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2007: 4,049 books per year. 2001: 104 books per month. 2002: 203 books per month. 2003: 348 books per month. 2004: 338 books per month. 2005: 252 books per month. 2006: 345 books per month. 2007: 338 books per month. 2001: 24 books per week. 2002: 47 books per week. 2003: 79 books per week. 2004: 78 books per week. 2005: 58 books per week. 2006: 80 books per week. 2007: 78 books per week.

To defray these expenditures there was to the credit of the Department on the 1st July, 1856, the sum of $789,599; the gross revenue of the year, including the annual allowances for the transportation of free mail matter, produced $8,053,951, and the remainder was supplied by the appropriation from the Treasury of $2,250,000 granted by the act of Congress approved August 18, 1856, and by the appropriation of $666,883 made by the act of March 3, 1857, leaving $252,763 to be carried to the credit of the Department in the accounts of the current year.

Testimony was taken in many States, and after a trial lasting twelve weeks the jury assessed the damages to the plaintiff at $74,000. On account of error, the case was remanded for re-trial in 1911. At the second trial the jury gave the plaintiff a verdict for $80,000, the full amount asked. According to the law, this amount was trebled, leaving the judgment, with costs added, at $252,000.

See ante, ii. 252, note 2. The revolution of 1772. The book was published in 1778. Charles Sheridan was the elder brother of R.B. Sheridan. See ante, i. 467. Johnson disapproved of these denominations. BOSWELL. Johnson himself once used this 'denomination. Ante, i. 438. See ante, ii. 385.

According to the official lists published subsequent to the coup d'état, 98 Senators and 252 Members of the House of Representatives had their Parliamentary Certificates impounded by the police as a result of the Mandates of the 4th November, and were ordered to leave the Capital. In addition 34 Senators and 54 Members of the Lower House fled from Peking before their Certificates could be seized.

As a gramme equals 15.4 grains, and a cubic inch of water contains 252.4 grains, this is equivalent to 62 cubic inches of water; so that as brain is heavier than water, we are perfectly safe against erring on the side of diminution in taking this as the smallest capacity of any adult male human brain. The brains of five children, four years old, weighed between 1275 and 992 grammes.

These radiating rafters consist of flat iron bars 7 mm. thick, and of a height which diminishes gradually, from one interval to another on the inside, from 252 to 188 mm. At their respective places of support, the ends of all the spars are screwed on by means of a washer 250 mm. high and 31 mm. thick, and surmounted by a gutter supported by angle irons.

LENORMANT, Manuel de l'Histoire ancienne de l'Orient, vol. ii. p. 252. LOFTUS, Travels and Researches in Chaldæa and Susiana, p. 309. The Greeks gave the appropriate name of klimakes to those stepped roads that lead from the valley and the sea coast to the high plains of Persia. HERODOTUS, i. 200.

I knew that wine-casks are of very different dimensions, according to the sort of wine they contain: that under the different names of "pipes", "butts", "hogsheads", "puncheons", "tuns," and "pieces," they hold more or less, from the hogshead of hock of thirty gallons to the great tun of wine containing 252.

I will not pretend to determine how far this difference in the proportional numbers depends on the age of the deposit, and how far on the difference in nature between the present sandy beaches and the calcareous bottom, on which the embedded shells must have lived. Section through Plain B-B and Ravine A. Surface of plain 252 feet above sea.