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"Do they not meet you before the service and after the service? What do they do then?" "They serve me." "They will not serve you now, understand?" And she answered again, almost with humility: "Very well, Zbyszku." Further conversation was interrupted by the sound of the wooden knockers, there being no bells in Krzesnia. After a few moments they arrived at the church.

The retinue stretched in a long column, turned to the right from the mansion, and then began slowly to enter the forest. Then the princess turned to Zbyszko and said: "Why don't you talk? Speak to her." Zbyszko, although thus encouraged, was still silent for a moment; but, after quite a long silence, he said: "Danuska!" "What, Zbyszku?" "I love you!"

"I say," answered Macko gloomily, "that I reared this youth from childhood. On him depends our family, because I am old; but he cannot do what the German asks, even if he must perish." Here his grim face began to quiver and finally his love for his nephew burst forth with such strength, that he seized the boy in his arms, and began to shout: "Zbyszku! Zbyszku!"

Macko could not even sleep and after a while when they were in bed, he said to his nephew: "Zbyszku?" "What?" "I have considered everything and I do not think they will execute you." "You do not think so?" asked Zbyszko, in a sleepy voice. Having turned toward the wall, he fell sound asleep, because he was very weary.

Here he looked at the shpilmen, and said: "Do not draw your swords, and remember that you are spiritual servants; but if they attack us first, then strike them!" Zbyszko, while riding beside Jagienka, said to her: "I am sure that in Krzesnia we will meet young Wilk and Cztan. Show me them from afar, so that I may know them." "Very well, Zbyszku," answered Jagienka.

He recollected Jurand and his strange opposition; then he thought that it was even more necessary he should go, and learn what that obstacle was, and if a challenge to combat could not remove it. Finally it seemed to him that Danusia stretched her bands toward him and cried: "Come, Zbyszku! Come!" How could he refuse? He was not sleeping, but he saw her as distinctly as in a dream.

Then Zbyszko extended his well arm to Danusia, and she put her little arms round his neck; for a while one could hear them repeat to each other: "Danuska, you are mine!" "Zbyszku, you are mine!" But soon Zbyszko became weak, because there were too many emotions for his strength, and having slipped on the pillow, he began to breathe heavily.

They did not hear him when he entered; therefore e stopped near the door, and finally he said: "May He be blessed!" "For ages and ages," answered Jurand, rising. At that moment Danusia sprang toward the young knight and having seized him with both hands, began to scream: "Zbyszku! Tatus is here!"

Before the departure, she turned once more toward him, stretched out her arms and exclaimed: "Zbyszku, remain with God!" "May God permit me to see you in Ciechanow!"

But at last one day the bolts of the door creaked, and a familiar voice called him from the threshold; "Zbyszku!" "Uncle!" exclaimed Zbyszko, rushing from the bed. Macko seized him in his arms, and began to kiss his fair head. Grief, bitterness and loneliness had so filled the heart of the youth, that he began to cry on his uncle's breast like a little child.