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Updated: August 5, 2024

If she were not, well, then, he could not answer for what might happen notwithstanding any remorse he might have in the depths of his heart, since he is no longer a bachelor and free as air, as in former days. But he considers her my wife, and she is sacred. I have the fullest faith in his word, and I experience a positive relief, a real joy, at finding my stanch Yves of bygone days.

"Come for me, Yves," I told the man, "if he seems worse, or if there is anything I can do." He came to me, and I saw that his eyes were full of tears as I put my hand out to him. He lifted it up to his lips with a sob. So we two hurried back home.

Chrysantheme, Yves, and little Oyouki have struck up a friendship so intimate that it amuses me. I even think that in my home life this intimacy is what affords me the greatest entertainment. They form a contrast which gives rise to the most absurd jokes, and unexpected situations.

Yves Janiver whispered to them: "They all know about it." As soon as the crier had stopped, Max Fane approached the bench, his face blankly expressionless. "Your Honors, I am ashamed to have to report that the defendant, Leonard Kellogg, cannot be produced in court. He is dead; he committed suicide in his cell last night. While in my custody," he added bitterly.

And these writers extended this method of interpretation to the commonest objects of daily use, even to tools and vessels within reach of all. Thus there was an uninterrupted course of pious teaching. Yves de Chartres tells us that priests instructed the people in symbolism, and from the researches of Dom Pitra we know that in the Middle Ages Saint Melito's treatise was popular and known to all.

At eight o'clock, at nightfall, our manoeuvres having ended, I embarked with Yves on board a sampan; this time it is he who is carrying me off and taking me back to my home. On land, a delicious perfume of new-mown hay greets us, and the road across the mountains is bathed in glorious moonlight.

And I muse to myself as I continue to descend towards the sea. "Her appearance of sadness was not, therefore, on Yves' account. On whose, then?" and the phrase runs through my head: "Come back to-morrow before setting sail, to bid me good-by; I shall only return to my mother in the evening; you will find me still up there."

I wish to speak to Yves about Chrysantheme; it is indeed somewhat in view of this that I have persuaded him to sit down; but how to set about it without hurting his feelings, and without making myself ridiculous, I hardly know.

He made his entrance quietly, attended only by a small body of men-at-arms, and he was followed, on the morrow, by Yves d'Allegre with the army considerably reduced by the detachments which had been left to garrison the Romagna, and to lay siege to Piombino.

"In the Middle Ages, according to Yves de Chartres," said the Abbé Plomb, "blue took the place of violet in the vestments of bishops, to show them that they should give their minds rather to the things of Heaven than to the things of earth."

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