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It was a breezy, sunny autumn day, and all the world about him was astir with life; gawky yellow-legged fowls pecked and scratched round his feet with prodigious activity, calves were bleating in the adjacent pens, while the very pigs were scuttling about their styes, squealing the while as though it were supper-time.

Then the large white snow-flakes as they flutter down, softly, one by one, whisper soothingly, "Rest, poor heart, rest!" It is as though our mother smoothed our hair, and we are comforted. And yellow-legged bees as they hum make a dreamy lyric; and the light on the brown stone wall is a great work of art; and the glitter through the leaves makes the pulses beat.

Flesh-eating, yellow-legged vultures! friends of the oppressors of our land! dogs who are not ashamed to eat from the same trough with the Bellati!" "It seems to me that your prophetess only foretells the past," said Mr. Y , philosophically putting his hands in his pockets. "I should say that she is hinting at you, my dear Sham Rao."

But what was his surprise, when, led into Marion's presence, and the bandage taken from his eyes, he beheld in our hero, a swarthy, smoke-dried little man, with scarce enough of threadbare homespun to cover his nakedness! and in place of tall ranks, of gaily dressed soldiers, a handful of sunburnt yellow-legged militia-men; some roasting potatoes and some asleep, with their black firelocks and powder-horns lying by them on the logs!

I've heard him say mesilf that hundreds av thousands av acres av these big deserts will be turned into farms, an' all that be what he calls 'Reclamation. 'Twas for that some danged yellow-legged surveyor give him the name, an' ut shtuck. But most av the engineers the rale engineers do ye mind is wid him, though they do be jokin' him the divil av a lot about what they calls his visions."

We kept our preparations on the quiet when Will was home, but he always managed to find out what was up, and then trouble began. His first move was to "sick" Turk on the yellow-legged chickens. They were our best ones, and the only thing we had for the ministers to eat. Then Will would come stalking in: "Say, mother, just saw all the yellow-legged chickens a-scooting up the road.

Know, reader, that the fish called by that name is a most destructive and voracious one, and as I presume they thought the ladies were of that character, some of them had too much reason to call them so. We reached Port Royal on the afternoon of the following day, but remarked we were not received with that welcome as before; no boats filled with yellow-legged females came off with banjos. Why?

"All right; come along," said I. "They may be glad to find out that you know what they're talking about." And so we all went to the upper deck, Rectus as willing as anybody to see the fun. Corny seated herself on a little stool near the yellow-legged party, the men of which had put down their guns for a time. Rectus and I sat on the forward railing, near her.

"I'm afraid I'm not a very good miner," she said, "although I suppose I ought to be a yellow-legged expert, having been brought up somewhere within sound of the stamps all my life. Good luck to you. Good-by." His reply was almost a mumble, and the black horse started down the trail. He watched her, with a sinking, hungry heart.

They hastened down to the shores of this large inland sea, which was darkened with numberless birds of varied plumage ducks, geese, pelicans and cranes four or five feet high, immense spoonbills of snowy whiteness, yellow-legged plovers all quietly feeding at half pistol-shot. A large basket to supply their larder was soon filled.