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Her eyes scarcely saw him, as she left the room and passed to where Meydon lay nerveless, but with wide-open eyes, waiting for her. The eyes closed, however, before she reached the bed. Presently they opened again, but the lids remained fixed. He did not hear what she said. In the little waiting-room, Finden said to Varley, "What happened?"

This gives still graver emphasis to the work of nurture in guarding these wide-open doorways to a hungry soul. Growing out of the fact that the senses are the greatest source of information to the child's mind, the method of teaching by means of objects has arisen.

And, sometimes, a rosy little school-boy climbed into our chair, and sat staring, with wide-open eyes, at the alligator, the rattlesnake, and the other curiosities of the barber’s shop. His mother had sent him, with sixpence in his hand, to get his glossy curls cropped off. The incidents of the Revolution plentifully supplied the barber’s customers with topics of conversation.

He looked at her with wide-open puzzled eyes, shook his curly head, ran up to me and gave me yes, me, and no one else the fruit, throwing his arms round my neck and saying, 'Sabina you shall have it." "The judgment of Paris." "Nay, do not jest now. This action of an unselfish child gave me courage to endure the troubles of life.

"The position is difficult I admit!" she said, with a returning touch of playfulness "But the very fact of your love for her should give you the force to command her back to life. Come!" She took him into the darkened room where Angela lay inert, immovable, with always the same wide-open eyes, blank with misery and desolation, and said gently, "Angela, will you speak to Gys Grandit?"

After a moment's wise hesitation, the black and white mongrel joined battle, while the setter contributed a great deal of noisy encouragement. By the time the hunters came up the mongrel had drawn off, bleeding and badly worsted; and the angry raccoon, backed up against a tree, glared at the newcomers with fierce eyes and wide-open mouth, as if minded to rush upon them.

The most punctual of all the spectators was Argensola. At four o'clock he was in the place de la Concorde with upturned face and wide-open eyes, in most cordial good-fellowship with all the bystanders. It was as though they were holding season tickets at the same theatre, becoming acquainted through seeing each other so often. "Will it come? . . . Will it not come to-day?"

There were no panes in the windows and not a single latch left on the wide-open doors; the walls had been stripped and the floors taken up. The drawing-room was a dungheap, Pani Joselawa, the innkeeper's wife, had put up hencoops there and in the adjoining rooms; axes and saws were lying about everywhere.

Ravenslee lounged in the easy-chair, so motionless that he might have been asleep except for the grim set of his jaw and the bright, wide-open eyes of him. At last, and suddenly, he sat erect, for he had heard a voice whose soft murmur he recognised even through the closed door. "I don't know, Hermy dear," came in Mrs. Trapes' harsh tones, "I'm afraid he's gone to bed anyway, I'll see!"

Everything was worth while and just as he had expected to find it. "Don't send me away again," he pleaded when he came back for the twentieth time, and with so much meaning in his voice that she looked at him with wide-open eyes. It was not what he said she had been brought up on that kind of talk it was the way he said it, and the inflection in his voice.