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Updated: August 15, 2024

But I thought no worse of him, until the night of his departure for India. That night I knew he had a false and thankless heart. I saw a double meaning, then, in Mr. Wickfield's scrutiny of me. I perceived, for the first time, the dark suspicion that shadowed my life. 'Suspicion, Annie! said the Doctor. 'No, no, no! 'In your mind there was none, I know, my husband! she returned.

Wickfield's, and often across the table when he has been sitting opposite, and might much more easily have spoken; is quite extraordinary. 'Letters! cried my aunt. 'I believe he dreams in letters! 'There's Mr. Dick, too, said Traddles, 'has been doing wonders!

My aunt was as happy as I was in this arrangement. For Mr. Wickfield's house was quiet and still; and Mr. Wickfield's little housekeeper was his only daughter, Agnes, a child of about my own age, whose face, so bright and happy, was the child likeness of a woman's portrait that was on the staircase.

I was obliged to make a show of taking the hand he stretched across to me; and then, with very different emotions, I took the hand of the broken gentleman, his partner. 'Come, fellow-partner, said Uriah, 'if I may take the liberty, now, suppose you give us something or another appropriate to Copperfield! I pass over Mr. Wickfield's proposing my aunt, his proposing Mr.

Wickfield is unwell in bed, sir, of a rheumatic fever, he returned; 'but Miss Wickfield, I have no doubt, will be happy to see old friends. Will you walk in, sir? He preceded us to the dining-room the first room I had entered in that house and flinging open the door of Mr. Wickfield's former office, said, in a sonorous voice: 'Miss Trotwood, Mr. David Copperfield, Mr. Thomas Traddles, and Mr.

Wickfield's old house, that when I knocked at it, with my new school-books under my arm, I began to feel my uneasiness softening away. As I went up to my airy old room, the grave shadow of the staircase seemed to fall upon my doubts and fears, and to make the past more indistinct. Agnes was in the drawing-room, waiting for her father, who was detained by someone in his office.

'I'm glad to find Miss Agnes knows of it. Oh, thank you, Master Mister Copperfield! But I only drank my coffee. 'What a prophet you have shown yourself, Mister Copperfield! pursued Uriah. 'Dear me, what a prophet you have proved yourself to be! Don't you remember saying to me once, that perhaps I should be a partner in Mr. Wickfield's business, and perhaps it might be Wickfield and Heep?

Wickfield's business, one of these days, I said, to make myself agreeable; 'and it will be Wickfield and Heep, or Heep late Wickfield. 'Oh no, Master Copperfield, returned Uriah, shaking his head, 'I am much too umble for that!

At first I was startled by so abrupt a departure, and almost feared I had displeased her; but when I looked into the street, and saw how dejectedly she got into the chaise, and drove away without looking up, I understood her better and did not do her that injustice. By five o'clock, which was Mr. Wickfield's dinner-hour, I had mustered up my spirits again, and was ready for my knife and fork.

Arrived at Mr. Wickfield's house, I found, in the little lower room on the ground floor, where Uriah Heep had been of old accustomed to sit, Mr. Micawber plying his pen with great assiduity. He was dressed in a legal-looking suit of black, and loomed, burly and large, in that small office. Mr. Micawber was extremely glad to see me, but a little confused too.

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