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Updated: August 19, 2024

Which we did, and were nearly swamped in a sou' wester; but, by good luck, a Yankee whaler picked us up, and took us to Buenos Ayres, where we shipped for England, what was left of us, only four, besides myself; but I got the signatures of the others to my tale of the wreck. It is all as square as a die, I tell you." "Well done. Well done.

I reached Graden Wester before ten in the forenoon; for in those days I was an excellent pedestrian, and the distance, as I think I have said, was little over seven miles; fine walking all the way upon the springy turf.

It would be hard to imagine a more dismal evening; and whether it was from these external influences, or because my nerves were already affected by what I had heard and seen, my thoughts were as gloomy as the weather. The upper windows of the pavilion commanded a considerable spread of links in the direction of Graden Wester.

When they were all provided well, In armour and amonition, Then thither wester did they come, Most cruel of intention. The royalists celebrated their victory in stanzas of equal merit.

The house beautiful will begin to mean our life, and each night we will consult our drawings, looking to it that on the house built of our days the sun shall wester, and that within shall be intimacy, and laughter, great speech and close love, looking to it that the home be such as to better to-day's tenant so that he be more loving and lovable than the one of yesterday. We are wrong, perhaps.

"What do you mean?" retorted Gayford; "a lot you've done for the public good. There are plenty of seagulls about without you to croak, too." "I wish my umbwellah hadn't gone out to sea," observed Braintree, shivering. "By the way," said Crashford, "didn't I see it lying on the rocks. I'll just run and see," and off he started. "When shall we ever get away?" asked Wester. "We may get starved here."

We were attended for many a mile by a following of mounted men from the district round, and when, as the sun began to wester in the sky, they took their leave of us, the Maid thanked them with gracious words for their company and good wishes, though she would not suffer them to kiss her hand or pay her homage; and after that they had departed, we did halt for many hours, eating and resting ourselves; for we meant to march again when the moon was up, and not lose a single night, so eager was the Maid to press on towards Chinon.

"I am afraid I have let my pen run away with me; but in our isolation local matters absorb our whole energies, and we look upon the affairs of Europe, or even the fall of Charleston, as of minor importance. "Believe me, yours very truly, "A. G. DALLAS. "EDWARD WATKIN, Esq., London." The extract from the "Grit" paper, the "Nor 'Wester" was as follows:

Days and nights were equally uneventful; the diary tells only of quiet seas under the lee of Sardinia and of the Balearics, ghostly glimpses of the North African coast and the steady setting in of the normal wester, the indraught of 'the Straits. At Gibraltar the downpour lasted twenty-four hours.

I recollect that almost every cow out of forty, belonging to the late James Walker, Wester Fintray, aborted. One half were polled, the other shorthorns. When a cow is with calf she has strong sympathetic feelings.

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