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He told her all about Jason Philip’s attempt to rob him of his inheritance, and how his own daughter had betrayed him; how his father had taken three thousand talers to Jason Philip; how Jason Philip had been forced to hand over a part of the money when Jordan was in trouble because of his son; and how he had waived his claims to the rest of the money.

But Ferdinand, though more moved by the Prior's recital than he chose to display, remained firm; he had pledged his kingly word to the chief of the Santa Hermandad that the award of justice should not be waived without proof of innocence, and he could not draw back.

But, no; like a bolt from the blue came news that the Duke, an old man, had waived his application in favour of an unknown purchaser unknown, that is to say, in the Islands a London banker, recently created a baronet, by name Sir Cæsar Hutchins.

"I'm so glad you're comin' here," she sighed, happily. "I don't b'lieve you know yet how glad I am, Henry not t' leave the old place." He waived the discussion of this side interest, already settled between them. "It'll be jest as nice when we come back from New York," he argued, logically, "an' jest as quiet."

Kinosling waived the chicken, and continued to talk. "Yes, I think I may claim to understand boys," he said, smiling thoughtfully. "One has been a boy one's self. Ah, it is not all playtime! I hope our young scholar here does not overwork himself at his Latin, at his classics, as I did, so that at the age of eight years I was compelled to wear glasses.

Lovel listened, and bowed, and smiled; pledged himself to nothing; waived off every offer with an airy grace that was all his own. A prime minister, courted by some wealthy place-hunter, could not have had a loftier air; and yet he contrived to make Mr.

"I guess that's something so," said Whitwell, with a long sigh of relief. "Well, I'm glad you can look at it in that light, Cynthy. It's the way the feller's built, I presume, as much as anything." His daughter waived the point. "I shouldn't feel just right if none of us stayed in the old place. I should feel as if we had turned our backs on Mrs. Durgin."

Poole, vanishing into his study, carefully closed his door, and would have caught his lady visitor by both her hands; but she waived him back, and, declining a seat, remained sternly erect. "Mr. Poole, I have but a few words to say. The letters which gave Jasper Losely the power to extort money from you are no longer in his possession; they are in mine.

It was because the Council felt the imminence of war with Germany that General Pau to whom the vice presidency should have gone by right of his priority and also of his eminent fitness patriotically waived the honor, because in two years he would be sixty-five and would have to retire; he felt that the defense of the country needed a younger man who could remain more years in service.

"A month hence you will still be looking for a berth, and a month after that. Now, I'm going to do you a good turn; save you from destitution; give you a start in life." I expressed my gratitude. He waived it aside. "That is my notion of philanthropy: help those that nobody else will help. That young fellow in the other room he isn't a bad worker, he's smart, but he's impertinent."