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You never saw the like, kid." Charley shook his head. "O.K.," he said. "But what does this have to do with " "Well," Ed cut in, "that was years ago; I was a youngster, pretty well just setting out. And Gondo drew crowds big crowds. Lifting a wagonload of people on his back that was one of his tricks. I think Sandow himself used to do it, but he had nothing on Gondo; the guy had style. Class.

Her greeting was such that it caused him to feel, and for the first time, that where she was, there, henceforth, his true home must ever be. "It will be hard work adjusting myself at first, mother," he said, turning to her after watching the wagonload of Caukinses out of sight, "harder than I had any idea of.

In that mood of mixed feelings I parted from my parents. We cried and cried, got tired, and finally became still from sheer exhaustion. Presently a noise reached our ears, something like the yelling of children. We thought it was another wagonload of boys like ourselves. But soon we found out our mistake: it was but a wagonload of sheep that were being taken to slaughter. . . .

When the last man had signed we stood at attention and a wagonload of rifles was brought in, drawn by oxen. They gave a rifle to each of us, and we were made to present arms while the German military oath was read aloud. After that the Germans walked away as if they had no further interest. Only Ranjoor Singh remained, and he gave us no time just then for comment or discontent.

"Here, the punchers rounded up a little chicken feed." He fairly threw at us a dirty tobacco pouch, filled with coins. "Coming before pay day like this, tain't much," he grumbled, as though the catastrophe might have waited for pay day things couldn't be done to suit Sourdough. A wagonload of Indians drove up, men and squaws and papooses.

She came down the trail, hand in hand with the red-haired, freckled timber guard whom she had worn herself past the limit of endurance to save only a few weeks before, racing in her eagerness to reach them, and laughing her "Good morning, gentlemen," right and left. When she was ensconced on the wagonload of tenting, she sat on a roll of canvas as a queen on her throne.

He stood turning his red eyes up and down the street, as if calculating distances and advantages for future emergencies. And as he looked there came driving into the somnolent square two men on a wagonload of bones. "Old Joe Lynch; he's loadin' another car of bones," Judge Thayer said.

On Sunday there was a full wagonload of Armours, big and little, to go to the Congregational Church at Stockbridge. Let us hope the wagon was yellow and the horses gray. Do not imagine that a family like this is lonely. There is constant work; the day is packed with duties, and night comes with its grateful rest.

The teamsters were unloading, the horses were cropping leaves from the bushes, while each man was doing his part toward the construction of the new Limberlost quarters. Freckles helped the Angel climb on a wagonload of canvas in the shade. She removed her leggings, wiped her heated face, and glowed with happiness and interest. The gang had been sifted carefully.

Dover's Grove was six miles from the village, and a favorite spot for picnics. The victoria rolled on ahead; Madame carried a black parasol, for the sun was on her side and the day very warm. Both ladies wore thin, dark gowns, and both felt the languor of spring. The straw-wagon, laden with children seated upon the golden trusses of straw, looked like a wagonload of blossoms.