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They were looking for wreckage that might give some indication of the fate of the explorers when Powell's boats appeared. Powell was very appreciative of Asaqy's kindness and wrote enthusiastically of the coming, next day from St. Thomas, of James Leithead, with a wagonload of supplies that included melons. The United Order Development of a Communal System

That some of Hienfung's officers realized the position can be gathered from the following letter, written at this period by a Chinese mandarin: "The whole country swarms with rebels. Our funds are nearly at an end, and our troops few; our officers disagree, and the power is not concentrated. The commander of the forces wants to extinguish a burning wagonload of fagots with a cupful of water.

I never had been kissed even Father never did it to me, because I have been more like a son than a daughter, and he hasn't thought of it. To get a whole wagonload of them at one time, and unaccustomed to them, was enough to paralyze any girl, and I stood dumb and took it them, I mean.

Three tow-headed, wild-eyed little Trotters, who had been playing at teeter with a plank laid over a carpenter's "horse" for a seesaw, ranged themselves all in a row, and gaped their fill at the strange spectacle of a wagonload of boys all dressed pretty much alike. "Are you Mr. Trotter?" asked Elmer, as he jumped down, and the other came forward toward him.

For miles they jolted over the execrable roads and through the shiftless, run-down country before they found anything worth while putting in the wagons. "Great country, Pap," said Si suggestively. "Yes; it'd be a great country," said his father disdainfully, "if you could put a wagonload o' manure on every foot and import some Injianny men to take care of it.

But then, every man has a right to his own opinion. and perhaps you have a different notion. Eh?" "I think no man has a right to an opinion which is contrary to fact," Percy replied. "This whole question is one of facts and not of opinions. One fact is worth more than a wagonload of incorrect opinions. But I must not detain you longer. I am very glad to have met you here.

He's my meat unless he jumps behind a tree. But as for swords, I never could see no sense in 'em except for officers to put on lugs with. I wouldn't pack one a mile for a wagonload of 'em." He looked at the address on the envelope. Straight lines had been scratched across with a pin. On these was written, in a cramped, mincing hand: "To the brave soljer who Gits these Socks."

"It is no less than a feather-bed, fair sir, which he bears upon his back, for I would fain bring it to Tilford, and yet it is overlarge for me when I take my place with my fellows in the ranks. But indeed this war has been a most excellent one, and I have already sent half a wagonload of my gear back to Bordeaux to await my homecoming.

She had brought with her as her dowry a wagonload of furniture. These comforts together with her strong will began a new era of relative comfort in the Lincoln cabin. Sally Lincoln was a kind stepmother to Abraham who became strongly attached to her.

"That's all. Miss Joyce said for me to get this wagonload of grub out soon as I could. So I come right along." "Doble been seen in town lately?" asked Dave. "Not as I know of. Shorty has." "Shorty ain't in this." "Do you reckon ?" Sanders cut the teamster short. "Some of Doble's work. But I don't see why he sent for Keith too." "He didn't. Keith begged to go along an' Miss Joyce took him."