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She was murdered with this deadly instrument" Craig laid the letter-file on the table "and it was planned to throw the entire burden of suspicion on her by asserting that there was a shortage in the books of her department." "Pooh!" exclaimed Stacey, smoking complacently at his cigar. "We have been victimised in those fires by people who have grudges against us, labour unions and others.

She was murdered with this deadly instrument" Craig laid the letter-file on the table "and it was planned to throw the entire burden of suspicion on her by asserting that there was a shortage in the books of her department." "Pooh!" exclaimed Stacey, smoking complacently at his cigar. "We have been victimised in those fires by people who have grudges against us, labour unions and others.

"I have victimised you enough, my dear boy," he remarked. "I think Joan had better carry on the good work." She put her arm round his waist, and her father looked down at her lovingly. "What are you going to do with him, old lady?" "Are you busy, Dad, this afternoon?" she asked. Sir James nodded, and he seemed to Vane to have grown very old.

Each individual Korak, as soon as he found that he had been victimised, saw at once the necessity of getting even by victimising the next man, and not one of them would admit that there was anything bad about the pickle until they had all tasted it. "Misery loves company," and human nature is the same all the world over.

How well you endured being victimised!" "I victimised! How do you know I was not enchanted?" "Nay, you can't deceive me while you have a transparent face. Trust me for finding out whether you are bored or not. Besides, I would not pay so bad a compliment to your taste as to think otherwise." "How do you know I was not exercising the taste of Rubens himself?

She waited until Miss Munns had produced half a dozen ledgers to demonstrate the elaborate system of book-keeping by which she conducted her miniature establishment until Jack had seated himself by her side and was irrevocably victimised for the evening; then she rose from her chair and said amiably "I mustn't disturb you.

But soon another leech, attracted by the flowing blood, takes the place of the one which was removed, and constant care is necessary to avoid being victimised by those little insects, of which the voracity far exceeds that of our common leeches.

"Oh, isn't what I may have meddled 'for' so far as it can be proved I did meddle open to interpretation; by which I mean to Mr. Verver's and Maggie's? Mayn't they see my motive, in the light of that appreciation, as the wish to be decidedly more friendly to the others than to the victimised father and daughter?" She positively liked to keep it up.

Then do I speculate, What have those seam-worn artists been who stand at the photograph doors in Greek caps, sample in hand, and mysteriously salute the public the female public with a pressing tenderness to come in and be 'took'? What did they do with their greasy blandishments, before the era of cheap photography? Of what class were their previous victims, and how victimised?

Either the servant whom Lanyard had met and victimised on his way downstairs had given the alarm, or else the noise of the encounter within the study had brought that pack of spies to the door, wildly demanding admission. Steadied by one swift exchange of alarmed glances with the girl, Lanyard hastily reviewed the room, seeking some avenue of escape. None offered but the windows.