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"The little Cockney thinks the victimising would be in going to the deserts with only the boys and me," laughed Carey; "But I think a week later will be quite time enough to sweep the cobwebs out of her brain." "And you can do without her?" inquired Mrs. Brownlow. "You don't want her to help to keep the boys in order?" "Thank you, I can do that better without her," said Carey.

And so she was turned to be out of doors or brayed alive in the double-gilt pestle and mortar, by Jove! No, Mr. Warrington, there was no such thing: there was no victimising, or if there was, Mr. Arthur was the victim, not the girl. He is an honest fellow, he is, though he is conceited, and a puppy sometimes. He can feel like a man, and run away from temptation like a man.

He had a conscientious objection to victimising his personal friends. Doyle, so he explained, lived very largely by lending money, and therefore offered himself as fair game to the impecunious borrower. The shopkeepers throve on a system of credit. They were fair game too. Major Kent was in a different case.

'I don't mean your real head, said Dolly, 'I believe you know that it's only the outline I want! 'It isn't a very dreadful operation, Vincent, said Mabel. 'Dolly has been victimising all her friends lately, but she doesn't hurt them. 'Very well, Dolly, I consent, said Vincent; 'only be gentle with me. 'Sit down here on this chair against the wall, said Dolly, imperiously.

But it cannot be that we should not have some defence against victimising, and close unionism is the only defence we have as yet, that any union has had, anywhere, except in Sheffield and I don't suppose you want rattening to start here. Why not arbitrate?" "It is a question of principle," answered Strong, looking Ned in the face.

"Then why not leave 'freedom of contract' to arbitration?" demanded Ned. "You say you are right. We say we are right. We have offered to go to arbitration on the whole dispute, keeping nothing back. We have pledged ourselves to stand by the arbitration. Isn't that honest and fair? What could be fairer? It may be that we have taken a wrong method against victimising in close unionism.

All those who are acquainted with the history of unionism know that 'close unionism, the refusal to work with non-unionists, arose from the persistent preference given by employers to non-unionists, which was a victimising of unionists." "That may have been once, but things are different now," answered Strong. "They are not different now.

Each individual Korak, as soon as he found that he had been victimised, saw at once the necessity of getting even by victimising the next man, and not one of them would admit that there was anything bad about the pickle until they had all tasted it. "Misery loves company," and human nature is the same all the world over.

So I have not been victimising you this afternoon, you are sure? 'Oh indeed, no, replied Jacinth heartily. On the whole the domestic atmosphere in Market Square Place seemed more genial. Jacinth was quick of observation.

Their coast was closely blockaded by the English fleet, provisions were extremely scarce, and the necessities of the populace were utilised by unscrupulous officials who amassed riches by victimising those who had been placed under their authority.