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In another fortnight I was completely recovered, and then I mentioned to Mr Vanderwelt my anxiety that the marriage should take place. No difficulties were raised; and it was settled that on that day week I should lead my Minnie to the altar. I thought that the week would never expire; but, like all other weeks, it died a natural death at last, and we were united.

On my arrival, I went first to the naval commanding officer, and then to the governor's, delivering my credentials. They complimented me on my having been so active. I accepted the governor's invitation to dinner, and then went to inquire after Mr Vanderwelt. I walked first to his house, but found it occupied by a Scotch merchant, who, however, was very polite.

They were both pronounced fit for his Majesty's service, with the necessary dock-yard alterations. The crew of the Diligente were turned over to a hulk, preparatory to unrigging and clearing her out for dock. As soon as I left the admiral's house, I sat down at the George Hotel, where I had taken up my quarters, and wrote a long letter to Minnie Vanderwelt. Cross called upon me the next morning.

As we were near to the island and short of water, Captain Delmar resolved to touch at it, and remained two or three days. The reader will perhaps recollect that the old Dutch gentleman, whose life I had saved in the pirate vessel, had stated that his name was Vanderwelt, and that he lived at Curacao.

The next morning I was pale and feverish, which they observed with concern, Minnie was sitting by me, and Mr Vanderwelt had left the room, when she said, "How very pale you are, and your hand is so hot; I wish the doctor would come." "I could not sleep last night, Minnie and it was all your fault." "My fault!"

"My dear Percival," said old Mr Vanderwelt, after I had concluded my narrative, "you have been pursuing a shadow, although the pursuit has called forth all your energies, and led to your advancement. You have the substance. You have wealth more than sufficient, for you know how rich I am.

I did so again and again, until the night wore away; and, tired out at last, I fell fast asleep. The next day, after I had been on board of the schooner, and given my orders to Bob Cross, I returned to Mr Fraser, and sat down to write to Mr Vanderwelt; I also wrote to Minnie, which I had never done before.

"I thank you," replied the gentleman in good English "I cannot say how much; I am so surprised at what I have seen but recollect the name of Vanderwelt, of Curacao; and if ever we meet again, you will find me grateful." "I will; but ask no more questions now into the boat quick," said I, shaking his proffered hand. They were handed down into the boat by the negroes.

"There is more than one there who will be delighted to see you." "Is Mr Vanderwelt alive and well?" "Oh yes; and Minnie, my pretty cousin, is still unmarried." Vangilt smiled as he made this reply. "I must ask for your parole, Vangilt, and then you can go to Hamburg with us."

Mynheer Vanderwelt had also begged as a favour that I might be permitted to stay on shore with him during the time that the frigate was in harbour, but to this Captain Delmar had not consented, promising, however, that I should have occasional leave when the service would permit of it.