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The hair and beard, I remember, had a look of being made out of telegraph wire; but the features were quite natural and unexaggerated.

Had the author of Enoch Arden treated the same theme in blank-verse, the workmanship would have been finer, but he could hardly have sounded a truer note of unexaggerated pathos. The same may be said of the beautiful tale of The Lover's Journey. Here again is the product of an experience belonging to Crabbe's personal history.

A due regard for the public interest, may impose on a Minister the duty of only partially disclosing matters of importance. But I am hampered by no fetters of official duty. I mean to lay before you the truth the unexaggerated truth, but to conceal nothing. I do this, because in great financial difficulties, the first step towards improvement is to look those difficulties boldly in the face.

The pencil is conscious of a delightful facility in drawing a griffin the longer the claws, and the larger the wings, the better; but that marvellous facility which we mistook for genius is apt to forsake us when we want to draw a real unexaggerated lion.

It would be natural if in such a time of confusion the calm tones of unexaggerated literary art should be not so much heeded as the more strident voices.

The figures given in this pathetic letter may be inaccurate, but the description of the sufferings of the prisoners is unexaggerated.

"Monsieur Margot," said I, "has often spoken to me of you before I had the happiness of being personally convinced how true and unexaggerated were his sentiments." "Oh!" cried Mrs. Green, with an arch laugh, "you are acquainted with Monsieur Margot, then?" "I have that honour," said I. "I receive from him every morning lessons both in love and languages. He is perfect master of both." Mrs.

He began to wonder if this stranger who had guided him into safety, from what he now realized to be a positive death-trap, had given him a wholly unexaggerated account of Carlyon's attitude. He waited awhile, thinking the matter over with rising indignation; and at length, as the noise below him subsided, he moved from his shelter to find his informant.

When this Flemish painting, as it were, is introduced this accurate and unexaggerated delineation of events and characters it necessarily follows, that a novel, which makes good its pretensions of giving a perfectly correct picture of common life, becomes a far more instructive work than one of equal or superior merit of the other class; it guides the judgment, and supplies a kind of artificial experience.

Seated at the good lady's feet in an attitude of childlike humility, she related the story of her adventures in simple, unexaggerated language, without any attempt at self-justification. "I ought to have guessed from the start; but it seems I'm not as smart as I thought. They had me, the whole way through. You were right, you see, and I was wrong. I should have taken your advice.