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Is the sun black, because the eye is shut? However ignorant man may be, and may desire and strive to be, of himself, God knows him altogether, and knows that the representations of His word, respecting the character and necessities of human nature, are the unexaggerated, sober, and actual fact.

In his nice neutral unexaggerated way he told her that her happiness could never be anything but a joy to him; and after that, when they were seated side by side upon the cane davenport he asked about her plans; when they were going to be married, where they meant to live, and so on. "Why, we'll be married, I suppose," she said, "at the end of the customary six weeks' engagement.

She had a brilliant complexion, a perfect profile; her smile, though perhaps a little mechanical, was the last expression of immutable sweetness, of impeccable self-control; her voice never slipped from the just note of unexaggerated suavity.

Whatever stories you may have picked up concerning me, not unexaggerated probably since the Greeks do not keep the privilege of boasting so entirely to themselves but the Varangians have learned a little of it you can have heard nothing of me which can authorise your using your present language, excepting in jest."

These reports would be truthful, unexaggerated, and non-sensational statements that could be relied upon. Fifth.

Then, with the unexaggerated eloquence of which he was so consummate a master, he pictured the beauty, the happiness, the wealth of the United States under the new Constitution; of the peace and prosperity of half a million homes; of the uninterrupted industry of her great cities, their ramifications to countless hamlets; of the good-will and honour of Europe; of a vast international trade; of a restored credit at home and abroad, which should lift the heavy clouds from the future of every ambitious man in the Republic; of a peace between the States which would tend to the elevation of the American character, as the bitter, petty, warring, and perpetual jealousies had incontestably lowered it; of, for the beginning of their experiment, at least eight years of harmony under George Washington.

He narrated in plain and unexaggerated language, as if engaged in the merest narration of commonplace, all the circumstances of his trial. He pointed out the difficulties of his situation, to his mind insuperable, and strove to prepare the minds of those who heard, for the final and saddest trial of all, even as his own mind was prepared.

But being a minister is but an incident, so to speak. The important thing is not that he is a minister, but that he is himself! Recently I heard a New-Yorker, the head of a great corporation, say: "I believe that Russell Conwell is doing more good in the world than any man who has lived since Jesus Christ." And he said this in serious and unexaggerated earnest.

The sober and unexaggerated narrative of that history would have been accepted, less only the miraculous portents which accompany it. As to the date of the invasion, however, it must have remained obscure: the Kojiki's narrative furnishes one clue. They burnt him, and proceeded to besiege Keumsyong, the Sinra capital, but were ultimately beaten off.

There they are, unexaggerated, in their literality, precisely as I conceived them at the time they happened. They speak of fevers without number to myself and men, they relate our dangers, and little joys, our annoyances and our pleasures, as they occurred. Departure from Unyanyembe. The expedition reorganized.-Bombay. Mr. Shaw returns sick to Unyanyembe. A noble forest.-The fever described.