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Berry was between Ingolby and the door, and for an instant he did not see who it was. Presently he heard an unctuous voice: "Ah, good day, good day, Mr. Berry. I want to have my hair cut, if you please," it said. Ingolby smiled. The luck was with him to-day so far. The voice belonged to the Rev. Reuben Tripple, and he would be saved a journey to the manse.

How did He, or It, like to be trifled with in this way? And, if He existed, would not His disgust be immeasurable as He contemplated that unctuous figure in the "Prince Albert" coat, who pretended to represent Him?

Jo had, however, come to the end of his weird tale for weird it certainly was, told at the foot of Guidon Mountain itself, and in a region of vast solitudes the pair of chemists were approaching "the supreme union of unctuous elements," as The Honourable put it, and in the silence that fell for a moment there crept the words of the singer: "And it's down the long side of Farcalladen Rise, And it's swift as an arrow and straight as a spear "

"No, I don't mean owners at all," returned Penfield coolly, "I mean just what I said the owner. Ah," the most unctuous satisfaction in his voice, "for all your non-committal manner I don't believe you know as much as I do." "Perhaps that's true," said Hayden sharply. "Whom do you mean by the owner?"

He was a young, fat man, that smiled and stood on his toes." The picture brought up to Keith the fat and unctuous Rimmon. "Well, then you went abroad, and your husband left you over there?" "Yes; I was in heaven for for a little while, and then he left me for another woman.

"Well, there's something radically wrong with both of us if we can't get by on two hundred thousand dollars, dad." The Laird started, and then his Scotch sense of humor and, for all the famed wit of the Irish, no humor on earth is so unctuous as that of the Scotch commenced to bubble up. He suspected a joke on himself and was prepared to meet it. "Will you demand an accounting, my son?"

Brother Ware smiled faintly in decorous response, and bowed in silence; but his wife resented the unctuous beaming of content on the other's wide countenance, and could not restrain her tongue. "You seem to bear up tolerably well under this heavy cross, as you call it," she said sharply.

If there were any drops of false or questionable doctrine in the silver shower of eloquence under which they had been sitting, the plumage of orthodoxy glistened with unctuous repellents, and a shake or two on coming out of church left the sturdy old dogmatists as dry as ever.

Attracted towards Marcel by his sympathetic beauty, by his sweet and unctuous voice, and especially by the vague sorrow displayed on his countenance, perhaps still more by the opposition and slanders of her father, she had allowed herself to be won, before she know where she was going.

"You see, Madame," said her cruel enemy's unctuous voice close to her ear, "that we have tried our humble best to make your brief sojourn here as agreeable as possible. May I express a hope that you will be quite comfortable in this room, until the time when Sir Percy will be ready to accompany you to the 'Day-Dream." "I thank you, sir," she replied quietly.