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"Yes, my lady," he said. "But perhaps your ladyship wouldn't mind helping me to unbuckle her girths before she gets to her feet. I want to give her a bath Come to this side," he went on, as Florimel advanced to his request, " round here by her head. If your ladyship would kneel upon it, that would be best. But you mustn't move till I tell you."

Reluctantly Yorke discounted his first impressions. Here was no self-conscious bravado. Warily he surveyed George for a moment the cool appraising glance of the ring champion in his corner scanning his challenger then, swinging out of the saddle, he dropped his lines and began to unbuckle his spurs. There was no mistaking his actions. Redmond followed suit.

Now, unbuckle him at once, dame, that he may write in my name a letter of thanks to this noble Fleming. I have not written a letter for years, and our friend would scarce be able to decipher it were I to try." Then he went on, as she removed Albert's casque: "There was good taste as well as judgment in the purchase of those arms, Agatha.

Their knapsacks, which they hastened according to established usage to unbuckle, contained a plentiful supply of knives, forks, scissors, and razors; but the poor fellows were not successful in driving a bargain, for their charges were exorbitantly high, and their goods of an indifferent quality.

"I herald the coming of the law," she said. "The law! Bah! Red tape, a dead language, and a horde of shysters! I'm afraid of law in this land; we're too new and too far away from things. It puts too much power in too few hands. Heretofore we men up here have had recourse to our courage and our Colts, but we'll have to unbuckle them both when the law comes. I like the court that hasn't any appeal."

He then desired the servant to unbuckle the straps of his helmet, but this was a task which the drawer could not perform, even though assisted with the good offices of Sir Launcelot, for the head and jaws were so much swelled with the discipline they had undergone, that the straps and buckles lay buried, as it were, in pits formed by the tumefaction of the adjacent parts.

It will not hurt you, but it will lift me out of hell." Murphy's eyes were cunning, treacherously shifting under the thatch of his heavy brows; he was like an old rat seeking for any hole of refuge. "Well maybe I might. Anyhow, I'll go on with ye. Kin I sit up? I 'm dog tired lyin' yere." "Unbuckle your belt, and throw that over first." "I'm damned if I will. Not in no Injun country."

They had reached Kingozi's camp under the great tree. He began to unbuckle his equipment. "I'll just lay all this gorgeousness aside," said he apologetically. But the Leopard Woman did not proceed to her own camp. "I am interested," said she. "This Winkleman he has vast influence? More than yourself?" "That is hard to say," laughed Kingozi. "I should suppose so."

No warrior of old was ever more completely enveloped in his hard coat-of-mail, with its jointed greaves and overlapping scales, than is the lobster in its crustaceous covering; with this exception, that the warrior could at pleasure unbuckle himself from his armour, whereas the body and limbs of the crustacea are completely incased in hollow cylinders, firmly and accurately jointed, from which there is no such ready release.

Unbuckle the portmanteau, Gerrit, and give your young master a blanket." "Yes, my lord. But wouldn't it be better for you to go in here until the shower is over? Holy Florian! "Just see that piece of ice in your horse's mane! It's as large as a pigeon's egg. Two horses are already standing under the shed, and Quatgelat's beer isn't bad." The baron glanced inquiringly at his son.