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Oh, it's very right that I" she sounded the I big and brave "it's very right that I should live in this tumbledown hole while he builds a palace from your plunder! It's right that I should put up with this" she flung hands of contempt at her dwelling "it's right that I should put up with this, while yon trollop has a splendid mansion on the top o' the brae!

Then she discovered that although astonished she was not at all terrified; nor very much insulted. Why should she be? A casual remark of the sophisticated Aileen flashed through her rallying mind: "When a man is even half way drunk he doesn't know a lady from a trollop, and ten to one the lady's a trollop anyhow." She heartily wished that Aileen were in her predicament at the present moment.

The sister was full of pity for Madame Fromont and considered her husband's conduct altogether outrageous; as for Sigismond, he could find no words bitter enough for the unknown trollop who sent bills for six-thousand-franc shawls to be paid from his cashbox. In his eyes, the honor and fair fame of the old house he had served since his youth were at stake.

She said to herself, "I don't simply want his vote under compulsion he might vote aye, but work against the bill in secret, for revenge; that man is unscrupulous enough to do anything. I must have his hearty co-operation as well as his vote. There is only one way to get that." She called him back, and said: "I value your vote, Mr. Trollop, but I value your influence more.

I am afraid we cannot come to an understanding, Miss Hawkins." "No, I am afraid not if you have resumed your principles, Mr. Trollop." "Did you send for we merely to insult me? It is time for me to take my leave, Miss Hawkins." "No-wait a moment. Don't be offended at a trifle. Do not be offish and unsociable. The Steamship Subsidy bill was a fraud on the government. You voted for it, Mr.

"It is all her fault," she said to herself "all her fault hers and that bold trollop of a sister of hers." When she saw Eva run down the road, with her black hair rising like a mane to the morning wind, she was an embodiment of an imprecatory psalm. When, later on, she saw the three editors coming Mr. Walsey, of The Spy, and Mr.

Without moving the body, he went through the pockets, finding nothing worth keeping except a few letters and a bunch of keys; for revolver cartridges there were none. For a moment he regarded the grim dagger point, deciding to leave it where it was. "If Melchard finds it," he thought, "he'll think it's something to do with his little Dutch trollop."

She read it through again, calmly, critically this time, lingering over the paragraph which hinted at the things he had to offer the woman who became his wife. "Diamonds and good clothes that means, a box at the Opera, fine horses and a limousine. The trollop! the !" The epithet was the most offensive that she knew. "He knows she would like such things," she reasoned.

Bixbee, "ef you're goin' to discribe any more o' them scand'lous goin's on I sh'll take my victuals into the kitchin. I didn't see no more of 'em," she added to Mrs. Cullom and John, "after that fust trollop appeared."

He was a little wild perhaps, the folk said; but how much better was a natural, wild lad that would soon have settled down, than a skinflint and a sneckdraw, sitting, with his nose in an account book, to persecute poor tenants! One trollop, who had had a child to the Master, and by all accounts been very badly used, yet made herself a kind of champion of his memory.