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The Colonel became very grave. His face seemed to grow longer as he pulled his goatee. "What did you do?" Colonel Carvel laughed quietly at the recollection "Shucks," said he, "I just pushed him into the streets gave him a little start, and put a bullet past his ear, just to let the trash know the sound of it. Then Russell went down and bailed me out." The Captain shook with laughter. But Mr.

Southey". Of the stanzas to the sons of Burns, "never was anything more miserable". Alice Fell is "trash"; Yarrow Unvisited, "tedious and affected". The lines from the Ode to Duty. "Thou dost preserve the stars from wrong, And the most ancient heavens through thee are fresh and strong," But the hope is doomed to disappointment.

"Who has, pray," he hastily inquired smilingly, after arriving at the end of his reflections, "indulged in Buddhistic mysteries? what I did amounts to nothing more than nonsensical trash, written, at the spur of the moment, and nothing else."

"That's what is required. How did you happen to pick out your name?" We both laughed. Indeed, if our meeting were compared to all the luxury and brilliance of the Cote d'Azur, or Petrograd it was laughable. "Have we anything to eat?" she asked. "I came home for my supper," I said. "I have some trash in the pantry." She acted as if she were trying to justify her presence, it was clear.

The storm with all its freshness, youth with all its reckless joy in itself, seemed to have come in with the lad and transformed the little dingy room. 'What do you wear trash like that for in a temperature like this? said the minister, touching his guest's thin and much-worn coat. 'Don't you know, David, that your health is money? Suppose you get lung trouble, who's to look after you?

"Yes, sir; he wrote The Sybarites, and all the rest of that trash." "He's the fellow that maintains a man ought to marry a girl after he has become engaged to her." "Exactly," I said, smiling at his way of putting it. "Preaches constancy to all men, but doesn't object to stealing." I laughed. "You're badly mixed," I explained. "I told you he never stole anything.

It was hard, certainly; to have her letter opened was bad enough, but to have it called names was worse still. The letter, which to Beatrice would be so full of sacred charm and delight such a poem on love and its sweetness was nothing more to her mother than "contemptible trash!"

Give him money to spend and he will buy tawdry furniture and imitation jewelry, he will go to vulgar shows and read cheap and silly trash. He is unaware of what the best things are, and unable to spend his money in such a way as really to improve his mind, his health, or his happiness.

'Who steals my purse steals trash." And he sat up, nobly braced by the philosophic thought. But he soon was shaking his head over his enfeebled health. Was I aware that he had been the cause of postponing the young people's joy twice? Twice had the doctors forbidden him to risk the emotions that would attend his giving his jewel away.

I wasn't goin' to take it that way, but I never minded takin' it like like company." Nance pondered the matter for a while silently; then she asked suddenly: "Say, Dan, if folks are borned poor white trash, they don't have to go on bein' it, do they?" The three chief diversions in Calvary Alley, aside from fights, were funerals, arrests, and evictions.