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On they hurried through the woods, the boys hurrying ahead of Janet. She did her best to keep up with them, but her legs were shorter than Ted's or Hal's and it was hard work for the little girl. "Oh, wait for me!" she called at last. "I'm awful tired." "Hurry up!" begged Ted. "We want to get the blue stones before the tramps take 'em away!"

"The first appropriation the next legislature makes," he soliloquized, "will have to be money enough to build a new wing on the insane-hospital. They're all going crazy in this state, from aristocrats to tramps." On his way down the stairs to the street the Honorable Archer Converse, moving more rapidly than was his wont, overtook and passed Kate Kilgour.

Ah, well, do you remember how hard I was on you for sheltering tramps, and now I can only say, God bless you for your divine charity." Olivia's eyes glistened, but she only pressed his hand in acknowledgment of this. "And to-morrow you are to see him," she said, softly.

In every regiment in every army you will find a little group of men who were tramps and beggars and thieves, and, almost without exception, they have "made good." For the first time in their lives they have been accepted as members of great society, and not driven away as outcasts.

"But I won't tell you what I think the animal is until I see it. I may be mistaken." "Maybe it's a twamp," put in Trouble, who seemed to be thinking about them as much as Ted thought about the fallen star. "Tramps aren't animals," laughed Jan. "Furry animals, anyway," added Ted.

Tramps we shall continue to have, but there need be nothing degrading about them, if only the professional element can be eliminated. Labour exchanges are doing a splendid work for the genuine working man whose labour must often be migratory.

"You are not tired, my good Joel?" inquired the professor, as he alighted from the kariol. "No, Monsieur Sylvius. You forget that I am accustomed to long tramps through the Telemark." "That is true. Tell me, do you know the most direct route from Moel to Christiania?" "Perfectly, sir.

Montgomery should speak now, or Moses would know the reason why; and if he still declined to explain matters he should be punished by being left out of the next fishing-party Uncle Mose would organize if he ever fished again! He interrupted, saying: "Never mind Witherspoon an' the carrots, Monty. Nor tramps, nuther.

"Tramps, indeed!" muttered Simeon Holly, under his breath. Then, sharply: "Did you never perform any useful labor, boy? Were your days always spent in this ungodly idleness?" Again David frowned in mild wonder. "Oh, I wasn't idle, sir. Father said I must never be that. He said every instrument was needed in the great Orchestra of Life; and that I was one, you know, even if I was only a little boy.

"The high road runs at the ether side o' the loch through Crianan, and the tramps and motors go over it, but never hae I known one o' that kind on our shore."