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I'll have no tramps sleeping on my farm," cried Tant Sannie blowing. "No, by the devil, no! not though he had sixty-times-six red noses." There the German overseer mildly interposed that the man was not a tramp, but a highly respectable individual, whose horse had died by an accident three days before. "Don't tell me," cried the Boer-woman; "the man isn't born that can take me in.

Peggy fumbled at locks, bolts and catches, for Aunt Abigail had neglected no precaution, and the instant the door was opened, Ruth threw herself into the arms of a tall young fellow who walked in with the air of thinking that it was high time for him to be accorded the privilege. "Oh, Graham, I never was so glad to see anybody! Some tramps scared us almost to death." "Tramps!

When the wild geese rode over the estate in the early morning hour there was no human being about. When they had carefully assured themselves of this, they lowered themselves toward the dog kennel, and shouted: "What kind of a little hut is this? What kind of a little hut is this?" Instantly the dog came out of his kennel furiously angry and barked at the air. "Do you call this a hut, you tramps!

All tramps, sooner or later, become petty thieves. Thieving goes with the life of idleness and vagabondage." "I don't know about that," argued Dave. "A lot of men become tramps just through hard luck. I don't believe all of them steal, even small stuff." "I believe they do, if they remain tramps," Dick insisted. "No man is safe who will deliberately go through life without earning his way.

Unlike most other members of their class, the driver-ants have no settled place of residence; they are vagabonds and wanderers upon the face of the earth, formican tramps, blind beggars, who lead a gipsy existence, and keep perpetually upon the move, smelling their way cautiously from one camping-place to another.

It occurred to him, especially when he was in bed and it was quite dark, that Rumborough Common was a favourite haunt of gypsies, tramps, and all sorts of lawless wandering people. In old days it had been a noted spot for highwaymen, and though Ambrose liked to read about them and their daring exploits, he shivered to think of meeting them in person alone.

As a matter of fact, with our unkempt hair and beards and our rags, we now formed as tough looking a party of tramps as ever "came down the pike." That night in camp I cut up my canvas leggings and used pieces of the canvas to rebottom my moccasins, sewing it on with shoemaker's thread. It was a glorious evening.

"Still another: "'A gang of tramps capture a train " The reader did not finish, but laid the paper down and looked out of the open door. He did not speak for some time; then turning, said: "Brothers, thank God that you live in the Millennium of the world. My heart grows sick when my mind reverts back to the scenes of long ago. I passed through some of them.

Look at the holes in the uppers and there's no sole left to speak of." "Do you see many tramps here?" Harry asked. "Not many we're too far from a road," Jim replied. "Of course there are a certain number who know of the station, and are sure of getting tucker there and a job if they want one not that many of them do, the lazy beggars.

Oh, yes," added Philip smiling, "we've blazed our trail with buns and cheese for miles back. Ras thinks whole processions of birds and dogs and tramps and chickens are already following us. If it's true, we'll most likely eat some of 'em." "Where," demanded Diane hopelessly, "did you get this ridiculous outfit?"