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Updated: August 19, 2024

"I will have it for you in less than two shakes of a crooked stick, or a straight one, either." So he ran out into the vegetable garden, and, very carefully he dug up a fine yellow carrot, which Uncle Wiggily ate for his breakfast. Then the rabbit rested all that day, and stayed another night with Towser.

Pretty soon, not so very long, they came to a pond of water, and as soon as Towser saw it, he cried out: "Oh, it is such a hot day I think I'll jump in and have a swim. Come on, Uncle Wiggily, have a swim with me." "Oh, no, I can't swim," said the old gentleman rabbit. "What! You can't swim?" cried the dog.

"Either you'll stand by at a time like this, or I'll fall upon you tooth and nail -with the very able help of the dog!" Gr-r-r-r! approved Towser, again showing his teeth. "I -I'll take you!" quavered Ripley. "Of course you will," nodded Darrin. "Wait till I see if the lantern is all right." He crawled into the tent, found the lantern and struck a match.

"Old No-eyes will nip you, Screech-Owl, for he is hungry," cried Tortillard, suddenly, pushing, with all his strength, the old woman by the back. La Chouette fell forward, uttering a dreadful imprecation, and rolled to the foot of the steps. "Lick 'em, Towser! La Chouette is yours! Jump on her, old man," added Tortillard.

He abandoned his manuscript and bounded down the pulpit stairs. "Unfrock him!" yelled Mr. Poodle. "He's never been frocked!" roared the Bishop. "Impostor!" cried Mr. Airedale. "Excommunicate him!" screamed Mr. Towser. "Take him before the consistory!" shouted Mr. Poodle.

"A happy New Year to you, Towser, old boy," he cried, and, seizing the huge dog by his shaggy coat, he wrestled with him like a merry-hearted boy. "A happy New Year to you, old fellow," he repeated, as the dog broke into a series of joyful barks; "speak it right out, Towser.

Then, pretty soon you'll come up, and if some one doesn't grab you, and you go under again, hold your breath until you come up once more and then some one will surely grab you. "You must never breathe under water just hold your breath," said Towser to Uncle Wiggily, and the rabbit did it that way, and soon he could even swim under water.

"Hurry and quiet this bull-dog!" the lawyer's son insisted. "Don't worry," retorted Darrin calmly. "Towser wouldn't sink his teeth very deep in you! He's a self-respecting dog." Now that one of the members of the canoe club was on the spot, the bull pup displayed less ferocity. He contented himself with eyeing Fred, ready to spring at a second's notice.

So Uncle Wiggily threw his crutch and valise across the stream, and then into it he jumped, and he swam just as Towser had taught him and he got safely on the other side and so saved his life, for the bear couldn't swim and Uncle Wiggily could. So you see it's a good thing to know how to swim, and I hope all of you, who are big enough, know how to keep up in the water.

They left the Merry Mouser to his management, and rushed below to bring up the False Hare's suit case. When they returned they were followed by the two spotted sailors whom they introduced to the children as Toddles and Towser. Toddles and Towser were still very sleepy.

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