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And the answer was, "Yes, at midnight. You see, midnight here is exactly midday in Allahabad in India." This explanation was, of course, ample. "Midnight," repeated everybody to everybody else, "is exactly midday in Allahabad." That made things perfectly clear. Whereas if midnight had been midday in Timbuctoo the whole situation would have been different.

Outside Ghât the caravan with which Laing was travelling was attacked, some say by Tuaricks, others by Berber Arabs, a tribe living near the Niger. "Laing," says Caillié, who got his information at Timbuctoo, "was recognized as a Christian and horribly ill-treated. He was beaten with a stick until he was left for dead.

Timbuctoo and nine of his comrades were carrying on a sort of altar made of camp stools eight severed, grinning and bleeding heads. The African was dragging along a horse to whose tail another head was fastened, and six other animals followed, adorned in the same manner.

San Miniato looked at her again, then turned away his eyes and sighed audibly. "Well?" asked Beatrice. "Will you answer. I do not understand that language. Whose love would make any place Timbuctoo, for instance a heaven for you?" "Discretion is the only virtue a man ought to exhibit whenever he has a chance," said San Miniato. "Perhaps. But even that should be shown without ostentation."

"The Touaricks will send him to Tripoli, and sell him; will you buy him?" "No, no; if I buy him, my sultan will put me in prison." "The English had many slaves, but gave them all the âtka; and soon, please God, they will destroy slavery in all the world." They. I found some were from Soudan, others from Timbuctoo, the greater part from Bornou.

"Oh you suspicious old fellow!" replied Edgar; "come, you are presuming now. We will change the subject, and go on deck." "Human natur's the same everywhere," observed Baldwin, with a quiet laugh as he rose. "Same with me exactly when I was after Susan. For one glance of her black eye I'd have gone straight off to China or Timbuctoo at half-an-hour's notice. Well, well!

It goes out from your toe, rushes away to Timbuctoo, and is back in your toe before you can wink. Why? No one knows. What's the good of asking? You can't see it: you can only see what it does. What good would it do us if we knew all about it? There it is, and it's going to revolutionise the world. It's no good asking no one knows what it is and where it comes from, or what it looks like.

They stain their cheeks and foreheads red or yellow on some occasions; and the married women wear a kind of hood on their heads, made of blue cloth or silk, and cotton handkerchiefs of different kinds and colours, and go barefooted." This calculation would make Timbuctoo to contain 216,000 inhabitants.

Then he invents modern imperialism and goes to Timbuctoo. He goes to the fantastic borders of the earth. He pretends to shoot tigers. He almost rides on a camel. And in all this he is still essentially fleeing from the street in which he was born; and of this flight he is always ready with his own explanation. He says he is fleeing from his street because it is dull; he is lying.

He describes this vessel as one hundred feet in length, fourteen feet broad, and drawing seven feet of water. It was laden with rice, millet, and cotton, and manned by twenty-one men, who propelled the frail bark by poles and paddles. With a flotilla of sixty of these vessels he descended the Niger several hundred miles to Timbuctoo.