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And whether people chose to talk because she and Dan Storran travelled to Paris together or to Timbuctoo, for the matter of that, if Michael had chanced to depart thither troubled her not at all. When Storran rejoined her a much more practical consideration presented itself to her mind. "But, my dear man, you can't fly with me to Paris without even a tooth-brush! I'd forgotten you'd no luggage!"

Of the farther progress of this great river, and its final exit, all the natives with whom I conversed seemed to be entirely ignorant. Their commercial pursuits seldom induce them to travel farther than the cities of Timbuctoo and Houssa, and as the sole object of those journeys is the acquirement of wealth, they pay little attention to the course of rivers or the geography of countries.

It is difficult to conceive of Gibbon's wound as a deep one, or of his struggle as painful. But Wilson, whose affections were far stronger, suffered much. He almost made up his mind to run away to Timbuctoo, with Mungo Park; and his deep gloom showed how the iron had entered his soul. But time and absence and new habits healed his wound, as well as Gibbon's, without a journey to Africa.

As yet, however, it is but indistinctly marked, it being doubtful whether Timbuctoo is a Mohammedan or Negro town. The courts of Bornou and Cassina are Mohammedan, but a majority of their subjects are pagans. Islamism in these vast territories is in an exceedingly degenerate state when compared with either its first development in the Arabian desert, or with what now obtains in Turkey.

"'ARMY KITCHEN OF M. TIMBUCTOO, "'Formerly Cook to H. M. the Emperor. "'A Parisian Artist. Moderate Prices. "In spite of the despair that was gnawing at my heart, I could not help laughing, and I left my negro to his new enterprise. "Was not that better than taking him prisoner? "You have just seen that he made a success of it, the rascal. "Bezieres to-day belongs to the Germans.

It is perhaps not the least of the many extraordinary circumstances attending the city of Timbuctoo, that no two travellers agree in their account of it; and for this reason it is most difficult to decide, to whom the greatest credibility should be awarded, or, on the other hand, whether some of them, who pretend to have resided within its walls, ever visited it at all.

I asked him his name. He repeated something like 'Chavaharibouhalikranafotapolara. It seemed simpler to me to give him the name of his native place, 'Timbuctoo. And a week later he was known by no other name in the garrison. "But we were all wildly anxious to find out where this African ex-prince procured his drinks. I discovered it in a singular manner.

He gives the inhabitants a good character; they are a mixture of Moors, Arabs, Touaricks, Berbers, and Negroes, like nearly all the oases in Central Sahara, or that portion of The Great Desert, extending from the oases of Fezzan to the Saharan towns of Arwan and Mabrouk, on the western-route line of Timbuctoo.

The Merry-Andrew was the funniest creature, in salmon-coloured tights, turned head over heels, and said he came from Timbuctoo. No, no: if Rickeybockey's a physic Doctor, we shall have Jemima in a pink tinsel dress tramping about the country in a caravan!"

In Africa, I have seen every thing but Timbuctoo; and, in America, everything except Croker's Mountains."