Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 27, 2024

Forth from the wild olive, my bleating she-goats, feed here where the hillside slopes, and the tamarisks grove. Lacon. Conarus there, and Cynaetha, will you never leave the oak? Graze here, where Phalarus feeds, where the hillside fronts the dawn. Comatas. Ay, and I have a vessel of cypress wood, and a mixing bowl, the work of Praxiteles, and I hoard them for my maiden. Lacon.

It would be beneath his dignity to offer any opinion, so under the tamarisks he sat smoking, watching the Arabs taking each other by the shoulders and talking with an extraordinary volubility. It amused him to watch two who appeared to have come to an understanding. "They're saying, 'Was there ever any one so unreasonable?

Her hand shook, but she controlled it resolutely. Words flicked rapidly into being under her pen: "I shall be behind the tamarisks to-night." Bernard Monck never forgot the day of Scooter's death. It was as indelibly fixed in his memory as in that of Tessa. The child's wild agony of grief was of so utterly abandoned a nature as to be almost Oriental in its violence.

The country folk were habited in shirts, drawers derived from the Moors, and tasseled caps of blue stuff, big enough for carpet-bags. The vine still covered every possible slope of black soil, and the aloes, crowned with flowers, seemed to lord it over the tamarisks, the hemlocks, and the nightshades.

A small dark speck was seen in the distance; it was a green tamarisk! Its roots must go down to the water below the surface, or it could not live in the desert sea. We thanked God when we came up to it. We had now some hope of safety, and we chewed the soft needles of the tamarisks like beasts.

It consisted of about thirty light and low dwellings made of clay and palm branches. In an open space near it they encamped beneath two splendid ethel-trees, or tamarisks. At length, on the 6th of May, they reached the plantations surrounding Mourzouk, the capital of Fezzan. The walls are built of a sort of clay glittering with saline incrustations.

I'd just begun to vote Madras a sell when a line of thin-stemmed trees came in sight tamarisks, I think with feathery grey-green pine-like foliage and deep shadows, and figures under them on white sand, and through the trunks a great sweep of blue ocean, real southern blue and I thought of turtles and the early traders, and John Company, and forgot about the ugly figures and the smells in the town.

Tamarisks wave their pink and silver tresses by the road, and wherever a plot of mossy earth emerges from the marsh, it gleams with purple orchises and flaming marigolds; but the soil beneath is so treacherous and spongy, that these splendid blossoms grow like flowers in dreams or fairy stories.

Major Ralston departed for The Green Bungalow, and the silence of midday fell upon the place. It was still early in the year, but the warmth was as that of a soft summer day in England. The lazy drone of bees hung on the air, and somewhere among the tamarisks a small, persistent bird, called and called perpetually, receiving no reply. "A fine example of perseverance," Bernard murmured to himself.

After we had inspected the chapel carefully, we walked to the river, crossed it in a boat, and plunged into the country. It is absolutely deserted and strangely empty. Trees, bushes, sea-rushes, tamarisks, and heather grow on the edge of the ditches. We came to broad stretches of land, but we did not see a soul anywhere.

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