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A Tagalog dagger lay beside the body, and the uniform had been torn apart until the officer's bare breast showed. The first full moon of the month shone down upon the dead man's white, still face. A "barong" is a Moro native's favourite weapon.

A comparison of the Tagalog version with a Japanese counterpart was published by Rizal in English, in Trübner's Magazine, suggesting that the two people may have had a common origin. This study received considerable attention from other ethnologists, and was among the topics at an ethnological conference. At times his antagonist was Miss Nellie Baustead, who had great skill with the foils.

The word itself means "highlanders," golot being a Tagalog word for "mountain," and I a prefix meaning "people of."

Scarcely had the unknown man arrived, when another figure quickly appeared from behind one of the large rocks, advanced and drew a revolver. "Who are you?" he asked in Tagalog and, in an imperious voice, as he cocked the hammer of his weapon. "Is old Pablo among you?" asked the first calmly, without replying to the question or becoming intimidated. "Do you refer to the Captain? Yes, he is."

Altogether, she was held in great affection in that region, perhaps from her Tagalog name, or from the fact that she bore the characteristic impress of things in the country, representing something like a triumph over progress, a steamer that was not a steamer at all, an organism, stolid, imperfect yet unimpeachable, which, when it wished to pose as being rankly progressive, proudly contented itself with putting on a fresh coat of paint.

She's just dying of envy, you can see it! How much does an alferez get?" "Accordingly, Don Santiago, tell your cousin to prepare the sick girl for the communion tomorrow. I'll come over tonight to absolve her of her peccadillos." Seeing Aunt Isabel come from the sick-room, he said to her in Tagalog, "Prepare your niece for confession tonight. Tomorrow I'll bring over the viaticum.

"I do not mind their working at sea, but you must under no conditions allow them to land troops; be brave for the sake of your Tagálog heart. Approve your action." Ibid. Ibid. "We are constantly alarmed here by American troops who wish to come within the military line.

The city wall was built some years later than the first Spanish occupation to keep out Chinese pirates after Li Ma-hong destroyed the city. The Spaniards sheltered themselves in the old Tagalog fort till reënforcements could come from the country. No one had ever dared to quote the proverb about locking the door after the horse was stolen.

It was on one of these afternoons that the Tagalog story of "The Monkey and the Tortoise" was hastily sketched as a joke to fill the remaining pages of Mrs. Luna's autograph album, in which she had been insisting Rizal must write before all its space was used up.

It was translated into Tagálog and other dialects and widely circulated. The Insurgent leaders were alert to keep the common people and the soldiers from learning of the kindly purposes of the United States. They were forbidden to read the document and we were reliably informed that the imposition of the death penalty was threatened if this order was violated.