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But I believe that the pursuit of wealth tends to unfit men for the service of the state. And I sympathize with the somewhat extreme view of the ancient world that those who are engaged in trade ought to be excluded from public functions.

They are learning the precious lessons of patience, sympathy, love, faith and courage. They are getting the education in the humanities the world needs more than tables of logarithms. Only those who have suffered can sympathize. They are to become a precious part of our population. The world needs them more than libraries and foundations. The Silver Lining There is no backward step in life.

If you can get back to the underlying cause of the manifestations of life, you will never fail to sympathize with the condition you may find, even though you find the cause rooted in crime. You do not have to agree with the criminal in order to sympathize with his misery.

Our slaves are a burden, not worth the trifles they pilfer. I wish they would all run away, then we might have an excuse for flying." "And could you leave your earthly paradise?" "Yes; though I am attached to the island. I should regret to lose the trees, the river, the sky." "Earth and sky stretch far. I sympathize with your feeling for the place.

The white faces of the women he met and passed without a word reminded him the more that she was subject to the same peril, and in thought of her he forgot to sympathize with them.

But when in thus translating ourselves we rise and play a higher personage, feeling the exhilaration of a life freer and wilder than our own, then the experience is one of sublimity. The emotion comes not from the situation we observe, but from the powers we conceive; we fail to sympathize with the struggling sailors because we sympathize too much with the wind and waves.

The imperative mandate of the meeting awakened in them only opposition. They found many to sympathize with their state of mind. On the other side there were those who seriously feared the incoming of luxurious ways. They resented also the new privileges conferred on some by wealth, because to most had come only harder work with discontent.

MY DEAR JOSEPH, You know my numerous avocations, and, amid the press of business which surrounds me, will, I am sure, forgive me for being a very negligent and remiss correspondent. Nevertheless, I assure you, no one can more sincerely sympathize in that good fortune which has befallen my charming niece, and of which your last letter informed me, than I do.

"I made the tavern-keeper sympathize with our distress," Yvon answered brusquely, and, in order to put an end to the subject he added: "I am worn out with fatigue; I must rest," saying which he walked into the contiguous room to stretch himself out on his couch, while his son and daughter remained on their knees near the body of little Julyan.

The reason, sir, why I asked you here was that you, my venerated friend, might understand my ideas and sympathize with them, and help me." He hesitated. "I will ask you to read a manuscript, of which you will find the first half in your room. The remainder is not written yet" Pierre, the butler, brought in coffee and they talked more quietly of other subjects.