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Their superciliousness shows that they feel themselves to be the dominant race. The Manganja trust to their old bows and arrows; they are much more civil than Ajawa or Waiyau. As a rule, the Manganja are extremely clever in all the savage arts and manufactures.

The master as is sometimes the case with masters of very fine ships was haughty and overbearing, possessed of a highly-exaggerated opinion of his own importance, turning a deaf ear to all the complaints of his crew, and treating them with an impatience and superciliousness of manner which made him heartily detested.

She believed she could endure perhaps better than could girls with more false pride, with more awe of snobbish conventionalities at least she could try to endure the superciliousness, the patronizing airs, the petty restraints and oppressions, the nauseating smugness, the constant prying and peeping, the hypocritical lectures, the heavy doses of smug morality.

The pronunciation of certain syllables gave to her lips this peculiarity of formation a formation as suggestive and moving as pathos itself. There was nothing bold in her manner. Life had not taught her domination superciliousness of grace, which is the lordly power of some women. Her longing for consideration was not sufficiently powerful to move her to demand it.

Still, he could not help saying to himself that this stroke of misfortune would free him from all further connection with a man whose superciliousness and disdain had been painfully disagreeable to his feelings. This thought caused a sensation of relief almost one of light-heartedness. "In that case," said the young detective to the doorkeeper, "I shall have nothing to do here this morning."

They who imagine themselves entitled to veneration by the prerogative of longer life, are inclined to treat the notions of those whose conduct they superintend with superciliousness and contempt, for want of considering that the future and the past have different appearances; that the disproportion will always be great between expectation and enjoyment, between new possession and satiety; that the truth of many maxims of age gives too little pleasure to be allowed till it is felt; and that the miseries of life would be increased beyond all human power of endurance, if we were to enter the world with the same opinions as we carry from it.

He treated those Irishmen who were obliged to deal with him with a haughty superciliousness which exasperated them to fury. The King soon found that a morose gravity and a punctilious pride were the worst ingredients for an Irish governor.

The young man, who is as handsome a young man as ever I looked at, and who appears to own the shop, and whose suave superciliousness would be worth everything to a cabinet minister who wanted to repel applicants for place, says, "I have n't an ounce: I have sent to Paris, and I expect it every day. I have a good deal of difficulty in getting that shade in my assortment."

You may not be aware, perhaps, that, besides being painted by my mother, it is in itself a very valuable work of art." There was a suggestion, however faint, in her words, of condescension for her lodger's bad taste, and a desire to enlighten his ignorance which nettled Westray; and he contrived in his turn to throw a tone of superciliousness into his reply.

"'Whiffin, proclaim silence, said the Mayor, with air of pomp, &c., where this superciliousness is emphasised. 'Gentlemen, he went on, 'brother electors of the Borough of Eatanswill, we are met here to-day for the purpose of choosing a representative in the room of our late' but the noise and interruptions prevented the rest of the speech being heard.