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On the twenty-third, at day break, the suba advanced to attack him, at the head of fifteen thousand horse, and near thirty thousand infantry, with about forty pieces of heavy cannon, conducted and managed by French gunners, on whose courage and dexterity he placed great dependence.

So, surrounded by man eaters, the trailers of the Raposa slept far more securely than on any night down the river when their companions had been supposedly civilized Peruvians. Whether a watch was kept by their guards during the night they neither knew nor cared, since they had no intention of attempting escape. They awoke to find the men of Suba diminished in number by half.

The semicircle of his subjects broke up into a disorderly crowd which streamed after him and his guests or surrounded the men of Suba with holiday greetings. Within the tribal house the adventurers proceeded to the central space where burned the chief's fire. There Monitaya ordered certain hammocks removed to make room for those of the visitors.

BRUNO. Suba usted caballerito ... y yo oigo. DON EDUARDO. ¿Qué tenemos, Matilde mía? DOÑA MATILDE. Nada bueno, Eduardo; papá me acaba de asegurar que jamás me dará su consentimiento. DON EDUARDO. ¡Será posible! DOÑA MATILDE. Y tanto como lo es ... me ha dicho también mil horrores de usted.... DON EDUARDO. ¡De ! DOÑA MATILDE. En primer lugar, y según costumbre, que era usted pobre.

In order to adjust the points that required discussion, the select committee for the company's affairs appointed Mr. Watts, who had been released from his former imprisonment, as their commissary at the court of the suba, to whom he was personally known, as well as to his ministers, among whom he had acquired a considerable influence.

That gentleman, who, with his surviving companions, had been seized with a putrid fever immediately upon their release, was dragged in that condition before the inhuman suba, who questioned him about the treasure, which existed nowhere but in his own imagination; and would give no credit to his protestations, when he solemnly declared he knew of no such deposit. Mr.

Yuara and his companion meanwhile were being interrogated by both Lourenço and Monitaya, who in turn enlightened them as to the present state of affairs. At the promise of war the faces of the Suba men lit up. "Yuara comes only on a visit to learn news," Lourenço told the rest.

In a deep, quiet tone Monitaya spoke first to Lourenço, then to one of his subchiefs. The bushman beckoned to his waiting companions. At the same time the subchief stepped out and called two names. As McKay, Knowlton, Tim, and Pedro arose and stepped ashore with the weaponless men of Suba, out from the great human arc came two men. All advanced toward the chief.

Then he was obliged to submit; and the suba, or viceroy, promised on the word of a soldier, that no injury should be done to him or his garrison.

In a very short time the leading canoe started off downstream, followed by the boat of the white men, behind which the other craft pressed close and vigilant. They swung in among the trees, and the maloca of Suba was blotted out. "Well," said Knowlton, after a period of silent paddling, "we have met the enemy and we are his'n.