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The rocket would slip back, tail first, slowly, slowly, then faster and faster, beginning the long, final plunge to the ground. Out of Control! Rick came back to painful consciousness. He realized that the acceleration was at an end. The torture of G forces was over, and whatever happened from here on wouldn't compare with the past few minutes. He tried to sit up, and strained muscles reacted.

Ed was accustomed, when he returned exhausted from a debauch, to seeing in his wife's eyes a strained misery; he had learned to expect in her bearing a sort of pitying, hopeless resignation. But this time she was not in the least depressed. On the contrary, she appeared happier, fresher, and younger than he had seen her for a long time. It was mystifying.

I strained my hearing, but I could make out nothing more than the regular beat of my horse's hoofs; while, as no shots came, I felt certain they had made out my figure and were coming on in full chase.

No Indian tribe on the war-path ever strained every sense more keenly to watch, surround, and surprise the foe. And the hand-to-hand fray! What delight it was to burst from the shelter of the thicket and touch with our poles two, three, or four of the surprised enemies ere they thought of defence!

"At the door of the supper-room, I suppose?" "Yes, he was looking at the salad when I came away." "That reminds me; why did you leave so early, Hugh?" "I believe, after all, I am a little tired; I strained my wrist slightly in the brook." "Let me get some arnica for you; do, Hugh." "Oh, no! the strain is very slight. It will be all over in a day or two." "Was there really any danger, Hugh?"

You would surely have told me yesterday if you had meant that." "Why shouldn't I if I want to?" "I always keep out of personal things even with pals. I strained a point with you last night for friendship, Ray. Is the deed done, or isn't it? If it is, there is nothing left but to congratulate you and wish you both luck." "If it isn't?" Mr. Waldron was cautious.

If the course was north a little west, how did it happen that the sun streamed into his room, which was on the east side of the ship on that course? He sprang to the port and looked out. The sun smote him full in the face. He strained his eyes against the horizon that was unusually clear for this foggy sea, and would have sworn that along its edge was a dark line of land.

Then the chief commanded his followers to remain back while he led the captive some three hundred yards in front of them. At a given signal he told Coulter to save himself if he could. At once the war whoop resounded and six hundred demons were on the track of the fugitive. Coulter strained every nerve to outdistance his murderous pursuers.

I was so taken aback that at first I could only gasp and stare. "How in the world did you know?" I asked at last, and he smiled and said "Your face was very eloquent. It was very easy to read, wasn't it, Miss Sackville?" "I did not find it so transparent as you seem to have done; I suppose I am dense," Vere replied, with a laugh that sounded a little bit strained. "Is it true, Babs?

If my hand had shaken ever so little, if my nerves, strained to breaking point, had played me false in the least degree, if the rag from Hans's hat had not sufficed to keep away the damp from the cap and powder! Well, this history would never have been written and there would have been some more bones in the graveyard of the Kalubis, that is all!