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"Let me alone, Jack, and don't put my back up. I'll lay my life, if there was any concerting in it, 'twas between Robin and the maid Barbara. Well, girls have queer fancies! Who'd ha' thought she'd ha' fancied Robin? though he's a brave sound-hearted little fellow; yet who'd ha' thought she'd have preferred him to to " "To you, I suppose. Lord, Springall, there's no coming up to the women.

Roupall and the youth crept stealthily down the cliff by a secret path; then, with the greatest deliberation, Jack struck a light, and prepared to fire the train they had connected with those within the nest, to which we alluded at the commencement of our narrative; while Springall proceeded to perform a similar task a little lower down the Crag, towards the window from whence the preacher, Fleetword, slung the packet which so fortunately arrived at the place of its destination.

There's no putting faith in any of them, seeing they have a natural antipathy towards us English. So, now, let us put back, sir." "Put back!" repeated Dalton, casting a look of scorn upon poor Springall; "the man's not born who could make me put back! The ship's my own and the sea, the broad sea we look upon, is mine, as long as I have strength to dip an oar in its brine, or wit to box a compass!

Springall observed not the warning finger of Robin Hays, nor heard the murmured sentence of caution that fell upon his ear from the lips of Walter Cecil. Although he had assumed an attitude of daring, his whole thoughts were fixed on the Protector. He was proceeding in the same strain, when Cromwell interrupted him.

"For shame, Tom o' Coventry," said Springall, who had more generosity in his nature; "if you don't behave, I'll spit ye as neatly as ever top-mast studding sail was spitted on the broken stump of a boom in a smart gale, d'ye hear that, master officer that was but is not?"

Surely I would not let it be so destroyed." Cromwell's veneration for his own mother was one of the most beautiful traits in his character; from that instant the Protector of England took the boy Springall unto his heart: there was something in common between them out of such slight events are destinies moulded.

After traversing much low and marshy ground, they suddenly reached a spot where the road divided, the one path leading to Cecil Place, the other to Gull's Nest crag. "Come with me, Robin; unless, indeed, the master wishes your company. I ask his pardon for not thinking of that afore," said Springall. "Not I, good Springall," replied the gentleman.

His address was brief and emphatic; and upon its conclusion the Protector commanded Springall to advance. "It appears to us that you had something to communicate." "I believe I made a mistake," replied the boy, "I took you your Highness, I should say for one Major Wellmore." "We know you to be a faithful watchman, but it remains to be proved if you are an honest witness.

Roupall, Springall, and the Jewess were close to Barbara, and Robin stood exactly on the spot where Dalton's rage had left him one foot on the edge of the crumbling cliff, his long arms enwreathing his chest.

"Read! read!" he repeated, for Dalton heeded him not. "Read what?" said the Skipper, in a voice which entered the heart of all who heard it; "do I not read do I not read black, bitter, burning treachery? It is my own ship I know every spar that flits like a meteor through the air. My heart was never crushed till now." "Read I will read it, if I can," said Springall, who had joined the party.