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I have observed them in many other insects, either in the larval or in the perfect state; but in this respect there is none to equal the grub of the game-hunting Wasp, which is all speckled with white. I think I see the reason. Let us consider two larvæ which eat live prey: that of the Sphex and that of the Hydrophilus.

All through the winter the angry cat had spent the greater portion of his time slinking aside from these boisterous invaders or glaring fierce hate upon them from his densest coverts. Thus occupied, he had too little time for his hunting, and, moreover, the troubled game had become shy. His temper grew worse and worse as his ribs grew more and more obvious under his brownish, speckled fur.

The farm, which was about two hundred acres, was in the best possible condition, and saving one or two chemical preparations, which cost Uncle Jack, upon the most scientific principles, thirty acres of buckwheat, the ears of which came up, poor things, all spotted and speckled as if they had been inoculated with the small-pox, Uncle Jack for the first two years was a thriving man.

"Did you find your messengers, Mr. Meyer?" she asked, when the men had lit their pipes, and the square-face as Hollands was called in those days, from the shape of the bottle was set upon the rough table of speckled buchenhout wood. "Yes, I found them," he answered; "they are in the kitchen now." And he looked at Mr. Clifford.

He was dressed in a suit between grand and gay, which he used for such occasions as the present, and his blue coat, yellow and red waistcoat with the three lower buttons unfastened, steel-buckled shoes and speckled stockings, became him very well in Mrs. Martha Garland's eyes.

I left Old Satan's hut without regret, glad, at any rate, to be in a place of my own, however humble. Our new habitation, though small, had a decided advantage over the one we were leaving. It stood on a gentle slope; and a narrow but lovely stream, full of pretty speckled trout, ran murmuring under the little window; the house, also, was surrounded by fine fruit trees.

Will thee be so kind as to look at her?" And with this she held down the candle toward the bed. "Good gracious!" I said hastily, seeing how the creature was speckled "I didn't understand this, or I would not have come. I have important cases which I cannot subject to the risk of contagion. Best let her alone, miss," I added, "or send her to the smallpox hospital."

There was: a figure swathed in an ulster, a maud over the ulster, and a high hat on the top of all. It could not have been there very long, because it was only speckled with snow. Mr. Povey plunged forward. "It's Mr. Scales, of all people!" said Mr. Povey. "Mr. Scales!" cried Mrs. Baines. And, "Mr. Scales!" murmured Sophia, terribly afraid. Perhaps she was afraid of miracles. Mr.

"I wasn't going to tell you, but I just had to or you certainly would have stepped on it." Very carefully Peter walked around the little bunch of leaves and peered under them from the other side. There, sure enough, was a nest beneath them, and in it four speckled eggs. "I won't tell a soul, Teacher. I promise you I won't tell a soul," declared Peter very earnestly.

The delicious odor of the coffee bubbling in the pot, the speckled beauties, still side by side, sizzling in the pan, all combine to tempt the appetite of an epicure. The camp fire has strange and varied companions. Men from all walks of life are lured by its cheery blaze.