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Delavigne, Marino Faliero, a Historical Drama. Lord Byron, The same. Smedley's Sketches from Venetian History. Daru, Hist. de la Republique de Venise. So much for the way in which to choose your books.

Smedley's voice as we were announced. I had no idea that the vicar and his wife were to be invited, but they were the only guests beside ourselves. I never could like Mrs. Smedley and to the very last I never changed my girlish opinion of her.

"Hurrah! he's a regular brick to come and back us up like this!" everybody jumped to the correct view of Smedley's motives, and cheered him scarcely less enthusiastically than they had just now cheered their "Queen of Love and Beauty." "I only wish he was in his flannels," said Arthur, "and would run the mile against us. It would be something like to lick him off his own stride."

Smedley's absence, they escaped without scene or conflict. Their effects were taken by Leonard to a stand of hackney vehicles, and then left at a coach-office while they went in search of lodgings. It was wise to choose an entirely new and remote district; and before night they were settled in an attic in Lambeth.

It was very bad taste, I thought, with her sister sitting opposite to her; but Carrie was Mrs. Smedley's present hobby, and she always rode her hobby to death. No one else heard her, for they were all engaged with Miss Ruth. "Such an admirable creature," she was saying, when my attention was attracted to the conversation; "a most lovely person and mind, and yet so truly humble.

The bar went up to 5 , Smedley's jump, and you might have heard a fly cough. We were pretty nervous, I can tell you, and it would have done you good to see Violet standing up and holding her breath. Barnworth was the only chap that didn't seem flurried. Smedley and Marky both looked blue, and poor Froggy looked as if he was going to blubber. "My wig!

She had finished her business in Paris and would be leaving the next morning. To her surprise, she found Phillips there. He had come over hurriedly to attend a Socialist conference, and Leblanc, the editor of Le Nouveau Monde, had brought him along. "I took Smedley's place at the last moment," he whispered to her. "I've never been abroad before. You don't mind, do you?"

Smedley's parochial drudge." "I will talk to Carrie," returned Allan, grimly; and he would not say another word on the subject. But I forgot all my grievances during the happy evening that followed. Allan was in such spirits! As frolicsome as a boy, he would not let us be dull, and so his talk never flagged for a moment.

Smedley's absence, they escaped without scene or conflict. Their effects were taken by Leonard to a stand of hackney vehicles, and then left at a coach-office while they went in search of lodgings. It was wise to choose an entirely new and remote district; and before night they were settled in an attic in Lambeth.

It was Smedley's report of the School sports held the Saturday before, and was sufficiently alarming to dishearten any ordinary reader. "`The Mile Race. Smedley 1, Branscombe 2. Time 4 minutes 50 seconds. Whew!" said Ainger, "I can't beat that; 4.52 is the shortest I've done it in, and I doubt if I could do that again." "Fiddlesticks!