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Bryant, Oscar's mother, said: "Dear me, I am tired and sick of hearing about 'bleeding Kansas. I do wish, husband, you would find something else to talk about before Oscar. You have got him so worked up that I shouldn't be the least bit surprised if he were to start off with some of those tired-looking immigrants that go traipsing through the town day by day." Mrs.

Wayne was unusually quiet and grave; he seemed to be doing what he could to lead Ruth into serious talk; he asked about the meeting, whether there were many out, and whether she enjoyed it. "I sort of like Dr. Dennis," he said. "He is tremendously in earnest; but why shouldn't a man be in earnest if he believes what he is talking about. Do you suppose he does, Ruth?"

"In case you took anything we should make your parents responsible." "I shouldn't take anything," said Frank, indignantly. "You might; I can't take you." Our hero left this store a little disheartened by his second rebuff. He made several more fruitless applications, but did not lose courage wholly. He was gaining an appetite, however.

She clattered the cups and saucers as if something in the lazy argument had exasperated her. "I like a man who is a man the hard, outdoor, wholesome kind who isn't afraid of taking a little trouble who knows what he wants and how to get it. I shouldn't quarrel with him on the score of muddy boots.

I never liked Jabez Wind and shouldn't if I'd seen him settin' swingin' his legs off the very top of Fame's pillow. He wuz oncongenial to me, made so from the beginin'. I never knew any particular hurt of him, but he seemed so much like his own sir name, so puffed up and onsubstantial.

"Yes, I'm afraid; I can't tell you. A large fortune means freedom, and I'm afraid of that. It's such a fine thing, and one should make such a good use of it. If one shouldn't one would be ashamed. And one must keep thinking; it's a constant effort. I'm not sure it's not a greater happiness to be powerless." "For weak people I've no doubt it's a greater happiness.

"When I think of my luck," her neighbour continued, "I'm almost ashamed. We were married on fifteen dollars a week. Of course there have been trials, we must always expect that; and we've had to work hard, but it hasn't hurt us." She paused and looked up at Honora, and added contritely: "There! I shouldn't have said anything. It's mean of me to talk of my happiness.

I shouldn't wonder if poor Prince Zastrow has been the victim of something of the sort. It is quite possible that expiring Tsardom had a finger in the pie. At any rate, there was a Russian officer in the Castle the day he disappeared. I should very much like to see the sort of explanation he could give of the affair, if he chose."

There was a note of the deepest hatred in Frau Rupius' voice. Bertha was quite frightened. She had never thought it possible that Frau Rupius could have said such things. "Yes, why shouldn't you know what kind of men they are amongst whom you are living?" continued Frau Rupius. "No, I would never have thought it possible! If my brother-in-law knew about it! "If he knew about it?

Crabtree, Jesse Pelter is no longer a friend of yours. When you went to the hospital he practically deserted you, isn't that right?" "If is!" exclaimed the former teacher, bitterly. "He left me in the lurch, and not only that, he didn't give me the money that was rightfully coming to me." "Exactly so! Now then, why shouldn't you help us to locate him?"