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Miss Betsey or Mrs. Sewall, as we must now call her did as she was bid, like a dutiful child, without any question of the why and wherefore. "And now," said honest John Hull to the servants "bring that box hither." The box to which the mint-master pointed was a huge, square, iron-bound, oaken chest; it was big enough, my children, for all four of you to play at hide-and-seek in.

The provincial congress prepared a counter proclamation, which similarly offered amnesty to all on the other side, "excepting only ... Thomas Gage, Samuel Graves, those counsellors who were appointed by Mandamus and have not signified their resignation, Jonathan Sewall, Charles Paxton, Benjamin Hallowell, and all the natives of America who went out with the British troops on the 19th of April."

Small wonder that Judge Sewall writhed under the infliction of these lines as they were doubly thrust upon him by the deacon's "lining" and the singing of the congregation; and the words, "The drowsy Adder will as soon unlock his Sullen Ear" seemed to particularly irritate him; doubtless he felt sure that no one could doubt his integrity, but feared that some might think him stupid and obstinate.

Negro-stealing by Americans continued till 1864, when a brig sailing westward from Africa on that iniquitous errand, was lost at sea a grim ending to three centuries of incredible and unchristian cruelty. The first anti-slavery tract published in America was written by Judge Sewall in the year 1700 "The Selling of Joseph."

Some have pretended that he had Olympian aspirations, and wanted to sit in the seat of Jove and bear the academic thunderbolt and the aegis inscribed Christo et Ecclesiae. It is a common weakness enough to wish to find one's self in an empty saddle; Cotton Mather was miserable all his days, I am afraid, after that entry in his Diary: "This Day Dr. Sewall was chosen President, for his Piety."

About seven o'clock the next evening, the telephone which Esther and I had indulged in interrupted my lonely contemplations with two abrupt little rings. I got up and answered it weakly. I feared it would be Mrs. Sewall or Breck, but it wasn't. "Is that you, Ruth?" Bob! It was Bob calling me! Bob's dear voice! "Yes," I managed to reply. "Yes, Bob. Yes, it's I." "May I see you?"

"Romantic!" he repeated. He wasn't a bit good at repartee. "Who are you, anyway?" "Why, I'm any one from a peasant to an heiress." "You're a darned attractive girl, anyhow!" he ejaculated, and as lacking in subtlety as this speech was, I prized it as sign of my adversary's surrender. Five minutes later Mr. Sewall suggested that we walk back together to the people gathered on the lawn.

Shall I get out of that?" "No," Bert decided thoughtfully. "I may want to get Sewall into this thing. We'll have to go there I wish to the deuce we could get rid of Pauline and Pierre; but I don't see myself taking care of the car, somehow!" "Everyone envies us Pauline," Nancy observed.

The temperance issue also cropped up in the annual Washington conventions of the National Woman Suffrage Association, preparations for which Susan now left to Rachel Foster, May Wright Sewall, a capable young recruit from Indiana, and Jane Spofford. However, she still supervised these conventions, prodding and interfering, in what she called her most Andrew Jackson-like manner.

Samuel J. May, then a young Unitarian minister, Samuel E. Sewall, a young member of the Bar, and A. Bronson Alcott, a sage even in his early manhood. They had all promised him aid and comfort in the great task which he had undertaken.