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Be good enough to tell your mother that I will be at table within fifteen minutes. Present my apologies to your mother for not having been more prompt. Now -go!" Bert Dodge left his father with the feeling that he resembled an unjustly whipped dog. "So I've got to go away and rusticate somewhere for the summer, have I?" wondered Bert angrily.

A trouble occurs about my taking an oath before a master-extraordinary in Chancery; but such cannot easily be found, as they reside in chambers in town, and rusticate after business, so they are difficult to catch as an eel.

"I told you that I intended to rusticate Julia," said his lordship, "with a poor parson and his wife relations, distant relations of ours in Devonshire; but this plan has been defeated by my foolish good brother the bishop.

'Going to rusticate with him, poor little mite? he asked. 'No. I'm to live with my Aunt Lilias Lady Merrifield. 'Where? 'At Silverfold Grange, near Silverfold. 'Well, you'll get among the swells. They'll make you cut all your poor mother's connections. So there's an end of it. She was a good creature she was! 'I'll never forget any one that belongs to her, said Dolores.

"These literary pursuits rusticate with us," says Cicero, and thus he presents to us a pen-picture of the Roman patrician stretched upon the cool grass under the trees, perusing the latest popular romance, while, forsooth, in yonder hammock his dignified spouse swings slowly to and fro, conning the pages and the colored plates of the current fashion journal.

Murphy was dismissed in disgrace, and ordered to rusticate on board till his eye was bright. "I should have confined you to the ship myself," said the captain, "but the boy has done it for me; you cannot appear on shore with that black eye." As soon as he was gone, I was admonished to be more careful in future.

The wealthy class in Lisbon have their villas at Cintra, in which paradise of Nature and art, with its wonderful ensemble of precipices and palaces, forest and garden scenes, they can enjoy mountains without forsaking society. Many Oporto families own country-houses in the Minho, and rusticate there very pleasantly for a month or two in early fall.

It had indeed crept out somehow that he had been wild and extravagant, that he had been sent to rusticate among rocks and hills so sterile there would be little chance for his wild acts to take root; but then, to some old ladies and young ones too, this rumor lent but additional interest. "Poor boy! what else could one expect?

Like most other American rural towns, it received, in the warmest months, a large accession to its population; for it seems to be a matter of course, that everybody who is able to do so, runs away from brick walls in the months of July and August, and selects some village in which to rusticate, and set the fashions, enjoy the dust and the fire-flies, fresh peaches, and home-made ice-cream.

Superhuman in wisdom, thrice blest in luck is the bluecoat who conscientiously can live up to his own ideals, carry out the law as written by his superiors without being sent to "rusticate with the goats," or being demoted for stepping upon the toes of some of those same superiors! Officer Bobbie Burke betook himself to the Night Court to lodge his complaint against Jimmie the Monk.