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Updated: August 7, 2024

The Rossiters' house in Park Crescent was at the northern end of Portland Place, and its high-walled garden the stables that were afterwards to become a garage and Michael Rossiter's long, glass-roofed studio-laboratory abutted on one of those quiet, deadly-respectable streets at the back that are called after Devon or Dorset place names.

I fancy she gave a Thousand pounds to Pasteur Walcker's Congo Mission; and transferred to Mme. Trouessart all her shares in and rights over the Hotel Édouard-Sept. I also picture to myself the Rossiters having a motor tour of pure pleasure and delight of the eyes in South Wales in September, 1919.

Prior to the Derby day of 1913, Vivie had heard of Emily Wilding Davison as a Northumbrian woman, distantly related to the Rossiters and also to the Lady Shillito she had once defended.

She must so arrange matters after lunch that Frank should not prevent her hour's talk with Rossiter, yet should have the long explanation he himself deserved. An idea. She would telephone to Praddy and invite herself and Frank to tea at his studio after she had left the Rossiters. Mrs. Rossiter was used to unexpected guests at lunch.

Indeed, starting from the Rossiters' Thursdays and Praed's studio suppers, he was being taken up by persons of influence who were pleased to find him witty, possessed of a charming voice, of quiet but unassailable manners. Opinions differed as to his good looks.

Peter was walking home after a party at the Rossiters'. It was the first time that he had been invited to their house and it had been a great success. Dr. Rossiter was a little round fat man with snow-white hair, red cheeks and twinkling eyes. He cured his patients and irritated his relations by his good temper. Mrs. Rossiter, Peter thought, had a great resemblance to Bobby's mother, Mrs.

At one moment she thought it would be so natural for that young woman to come home and take a house in New York the Rossiters', for instance, which had an elegant conservatory and was just round the corner from her own; at another she couldn't conceal her surprise at the girl's not marrying some member of one of the great aristocracies.

Alfred Lyttelton, Miss Lena Ashwell, the Bernard Shaws, the Wilfred Meynells, the H.G. Wellses, the Sidney Webbs; and leaving uninstanced a number of other delightful, warm-blooded, pleasant-voiced, natural-mannered people the Rossiters. Or at least, Michael Rossiter. For although you could tolerate for his sake Mrs.

At the sight of her, Vivie lost her frown and tossed the letter on to the bureau. Honoria Fraser had been lunching with friends in Portland Place. Honoria: "What a swotter you are! I thought I should find you here. I suppose the staff departed punctually at One? I've come back expressly from the Michael Rossiters to carry you off to them or rather to Kew.

The Rossiters were well enough off he made quite two thousand a year out of his professorial work and his books, and her income which was £5,000 when she first married had risen to £9,000 after they had been married ten years; through the increase in value of Leeds town property. Mrs.

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