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The Rossiters' house in Park Crescent was at the northern end of Portland Place, and its high-walled garden the stables that were afterwards to become a garage and Michael Rossiter's long, glass-roofed studio-laboratory abutted on one of those quiet, deadly-respectable streets at the back that are called after Devon or Dorset place names.

And the vaults and upper floors of the Royal College of Surgeons were at Rossiter's disposal, with Professor Keith to co-operate. Never had his house in Portland Place to be accurate the Park Crescent end thereof seemed so conveniently situated, or its studio-laboratory so well designed. "Air-raids? Pooh! Just about one chance in a million we should be struck.

The studio-laboratory she could not stand with its horrid smell of chemicals; she also dreaded vaguely that vivisection went on there Michael of course had a license, though he was far too tender-hearted to torture sentient creatures.

There was no place for their storage more suitable than that portion of his studio-laboratory which was above ground; and the situation of his house in regard to air attacks, bombs, shrapnel seemed to him far more favourable than the upper rooms at the College of Surgeons.