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The Lords amended it to death, and sent it back to the Commons the poor and pithless shadow of its former self. Restored to life in the Lower House, it was again presented for the acceptance of the peers. Again they struck at its vitality, but the Commons said, Nulla vestigia retrorsum.

And then, again, as 'twere yesterday, I hear Hampden's drums and fifes in the lanes, and see the rebels' flag with that hateful legend, 'Vestigia nulla retrorsum, and Buckinghamshire peasants are under arms, and the King and his people have begun to hate and fear each other." "None foresaw that the war would last so long or end in murder, I doubt, sir," said Angela.

It is all the world to me, what she and Everett do with themselves; and what she may do in this matter of marriage is of infinitely greater importance than anything that can befall him. If he makes a mistake, it may be put right. But with a woman's marrying , vestigia nulla retrorsum. She has put off all her old bonds and taken new ones, which must be her bonds for life.

Beresford remarked aloud that the bride's room was like the lion's den in the fable, "'Vestigia nulla retrorsum." At last the situation became intolerable to Coventry. He rose, in desperation, and said, with a ghastly attempt at a smile, that he must, nevertheless, face the dangers of the place himself, as the carriage was now packed, and Mrs.

He reached the ridge without the slightest difficulty, and crawled along till he could see his way clear to the window they wished to attain. Then he returned undiscovered and reported progress. Now the first mistake was making a reconnaissance at all: vestigia nulla retrorsum, ought to have been the word that night, if ever.

At low water the next day, October 31, the vessel lay high and dry on the Goodwin Sands. She was tolerably upright, having bedded herself slightly in the sand, and all her sails were swinging loose as the wind chose to sway them. There was no rent in her side that could be seen, and to all appearance she was safe and sound only she was stranded on the Goodwins, from which vestigia nulla retrorsum.

I want now to find an equine reliance whose motto is "Nulla vestigia retrorsum," or "No steps backward." I have pasted Mr. Hale's famous motto, "Look forward and not back," over her stall but with no effect. The "Lend a Hand" applies to those we yell for when the backing is going on. By the way, a witty woman said the other day that men always had the advantage.

With this and her white poplin and lace veil she seemed framed in white, and her cheeks bloomed so, and her eyes beamed, with excitement and innocent vanity, that altogether she was supernaturally lovely. Once enter the room enchanted by this snow-chad rose, and Vestigia nulla retrorsum.

Et cum hoec dixisset, conversa est retrorsum, et vidit Jesum stantem: et non sciebat quia Jesus est. a series of tragic lieder set to verses of popular Spanish cantares, among others a gloomy sad love-song, like a black flame "Quisiera ser el sepulcro Donde a ti te han de enterrar, Para tenerte en mis brazos Por toda la eternidad."

No account of the Temple would be complete without some mention of its many curious sundials. Each garden possesses a plain pillar-dial. There is one in Temple Lane with the motto, "Pereunt et imputantur," and "Vestigia nulla retrorsum" appears on another in Essex Court.