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Let us put it so. But these resignations are sometimes very trying. At length, after having delighted us for hours, he took himself away from the companion; and I could ask Mackay who and what he was. "That?" said Mackay. "Why, that's one of the stowaways." "No man," said the same authority, "who has had anything to do with the sea, would ever think of paying for a passage."

In the far South seven states had already seceded; in Washington, Congressmen, Senators, and members of the Cabinet were abandoning their posts; in the army and navy his friends were daily tendering their resignations; and his own state, divided between love for the Union and sympathy with its neighbors, was hovering on the brink of secession.

He turned on his heel and resumed his pacing. Lady Tranmore looked at him in perplexity. "William, I heard a rumor last night " He held his cigarette suspended. "Lord Crashaw told me that the resignations would certainly be in the papers this week, and that the ministry would go on after a rearrangement of posts. Is it true?" Ashe resumed his cigarette. "True as to the facts so far as I know.

"No," he said; "not a word." And then he paused, as the particular meaning of a certain carefully chosen and repeated phrase flashed on him for the first time. "He said to me yesterday repeating what he said four months ago when we tendered our resignations 'I will no longer stand in your way. And now I suppose we have it."

Unfortunately, since neither Ogden nor Sherwood happened to be present, Bagot had to accept their resignations on his own initiative, and without previous consultation with them. Not even that dexterous correspondent could quite disguise the awkwardness of his position when he wrote to tell both men that they had ceased to be his ministers. So the crisis ended.

``One day it was announced that eighty officers of the navy would send in their resignations if the government did not dismiss the leaders of whom they complained. The navy protested against the promotion promised to Colonel Zorbas. Colonel Zorbas, after a week of discussion with Lieutenant Typaldos, treated with the President of the Council as one power with another.

When, after a minute or so of the friendliest embarrassment, he had retired to wait for her, Gyp sat down to her lesson. Monsieur Harmost said quietly: "Your letter was very kind, my little friend and your father is very kind. But, after all, it was a compliment your husband paid me." His smile smote Gyp; it seemed to sum up so many resignations. "So you stay again with your father!"

On the same day I issued my General Orders No. 12, assuming command and naming all the heads of staff departments and bureaus as members of my staff, adding to my then three aides, Colonels McCoy, Dayton, and Audenried, the names of Colonels Comstock, Horace Porter, and Dent, agreeing with President Grant that the two latter could remain with him till I should need their personal services or ask their resignations.

He had received an offer of £7 per share for the property, and the proposition had been guaranteed by the Baring Brothers, and asked Browning what he thought it best to do. Browning thought it best to sell. "Then," said Sedgwick, "there will be no more work for us except to resign as officers of the company, our resignations to take place with the transfer of the property."

The amusing part of the outbreak of insubordination amongst Gordon's majors was, that though they resigned their commissions, they asked that they might be allowed for the sake of loot to accompany the expedition to Quinsan. Gordon accepted the resignations, but declined to let the majors take part in his expedition.