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The landlady smiled at him sometimes as she passed and re-passed, and even ventured to remark disinterestedly that it was a pity to waste such a lovely day indoors not to take a turn and see what was going on in Paris. But Mr.

As I stood and watched, some other men approached: again the low single knock, again the jealous opening and the stealthy entrance. A policeman passed and re-passed me. "Don't be tempted, young man," said he, looking hard at me: "take my advice, and go home." "What is that house, then?" said I, with a sort of shudder at this ominous warning. "Oh! you know." "Not I. I am new to London."

The beautiful dancers wheeled round, their eyes brilliant with pleasure, in the arms of elegant cavaliers; one would have said that the whole of this airy troop, swaying to and fro in time to the lively flourishes of the music, was animated by one soul; everything seemed full of joy in that large and splendidly lit hall, and mothers secretly envied their daughters as they passed and re-passed before them.

"I don't know." "Nor I. Let me find out." The room had become dimmer; the light on her hair and face and hands glimmered dully as she passed and re-passed him in her restless progress restless, dismayed, frightened progress toward a goal she already saw ahead close ahead of her every time she turned to look at him. She already knew the end. That man!

This is their turn; let them work in their own way. I will begin where they have finished." After a little time spent in a gratified inspection of the painting, Stillman said: "But, gentlemen, let us have a look at the other rooms. There may be something more." They re-passed through the store room and into the living room. Nothing here took the coroner's attention, and they entered the bedroom.

She passed and re-passed her hand across her forehead, which was bathed in a cold perspiration; she gasped for breath. Then suddenly, overcome with nausea, she staggered, pressed her hands convulsively upon her breast, and sank into the armchair, crying: "Oh, God! how I suffer!" Kneeling by the half-open door, Blanche eagerly watched the workings of the poison which she had administered.

Against it one tree, which looked like Paderewski grown very old, stood up with tousled branches. In the village bonfires flared, and the dark figures of skipping children passed and re-passed before them. We heard youthful cries echoing across the sands. Soon they faded. The lights went out, and the wonderful silence of night in the desert came in to its heritage.

Julia was not contented to sit still and look on; she begged Gerald to let her promenade with him, and for a few minutes he gratified her whim; but Ruth, although she had changed the dress which had proved so obnoxious that morning, did not consider herself to be attired richly enough to mingle with the gay throng that passed and re-passed her in her quiet corner.

She had never danced before; but, after one or two broken paces, her will surrendered to his, her body and its movements answered him docilely. She felt that his eyes were fixed on her forehead, but dared not look up. She saw nothing of the crowd. Other dancers passed and re-passed like phantoms, neither jostling nor even touching so well her partner steered.

Shortly after we re-passed the spot where Good had wounded the patriarchal bull we came across a herd of eland, but did not shoot at them, as we had plenty of meat. They trotted past us, and then stopped behind a little patch of bush about a hundred yards away, wheeling round to look at us.