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Thus persuaded, Rene Ronsard could only bow a respectful assent, and obey the request, which from Royalty was tantamount to a command. Signing to the other members of the party, who had stood till now at a little distance, the Queen bade them all accompany her. "The King will stay here till we return," she said, "And Sir Roger will stay with him!"

My blood went phizz, phizz, all over my body, and suddenly something said in my head: 'René, he has come to look for you. He was searching for some one, for he went round with the guardian looking into each man's face, and giving money to all who begged and seeing that, they all got up, and surrounded him, and he gave them each a piece.

When Beverley, taking his leave, passed through the gate at Roussillon place, he met Rene de Ronville going in. It was a notable coincidence that each young man felt something troublesome rise in his throat as he looked into the other's eyes.

Although it filled Réné with sadness to witness this ruin of what had once been a home to him, and in the building of which he had taken such pride, he had rather see it thus than restored to all its former glory, but remaining in the shadow of the yellow banner of Spain.

I never do anything by halves. In that that trousseau Madame Rene had made me there was one, what she called "simple" lingerie frock. And it looked just as simple as the cheque it called for. It was of lawn as transparent as a cobweb, real lace and tiny delicious incrustations of embroidery.

Claire René was used to waiting. She waited until Jacques found breath for speech. Then he told her how the "Great Man from America" was coming to save France! How he was sending a million strong sons before him. How there was hope come to heavy hearts! Claire René wanted to ask a great many questions.

'Good sirs, answered Rene Leblanc, 'you behold a wretched people bereft of their homes and whose only crime is their love for France and their devotion to the Catholic faith, and saying this, he raised his hat, and every man of our party did the same. 'We thank you heartily for your greeting and for your hospitality so generously tendered.

"Well, 'Rene, YOU haven't got to do ANYthing. That's one advantage girls have got if it IS an advantage. I'm not always sure." Irene's tears turned to laughing again. When she lifted her head it was to look into the mirror confronting them, where her beauty showed all the more brilliant for the shower that had passed over it. She seemed to gather courage from the sight.

He was president of the Henry B. Harris Company controlling the Harris Theater. Young Harris had a liking for the theatrical business from a boy. Twelve years ago Mr. Harris married Miss Rene Wallach of Washington. He was said to have a fortune of between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000. He owned outright the Hudson and the Harris theaters and had an interest in two other show houses in New York.

Ha! ha! much will the fair damsels' royal beau-frere thank you for overthrowing his plan for disposing of them. 'Hark you, foul-mouthed fellow, said King Rene; 'did I not pity you for your bereavement and ruin, I should requite that slander of a noble prince by hanging you on the nearest tree. 'Your Grace is kindly welcome, was the answer.