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He was, said he, storing provisions and water for the forthcoming journey, and the water in the well was so excellent that he had determined to take in his store. Of course his honour understood well that René did not concern himself in these matters; but that was the explanation he conveyed to his wife, lest she should be alarmed and wonder.

At the mouth of the lagoon in which Réné had awaited Has-se's return they paused, undecided, for a moment. From the very trail taken by Has-se there branched another, which led to the distant Seminole fastness in the heart of the great swamp.

Réné gladly agreed to this proposition, and De Gourges continued: "As for making greater thy uncle's joy when he again beholds thee, I doubt if that will be possible; for he will have no eyes nor thoughts save for thyself. It may be, however, that these same papers will prove of greatest value to him, for he is in sore straits for want of evidence to make good certain claims.

Thou art right to defend thy friend if indeed he be not our enemy, but thou hast no authority for finding fault with those who are much older and wiser than thyself." Blushing furiously at this rebuke, Réné sat down, while his uncle continued: "I am also of the opinion that this young savage should be courteously entreated and set at liberty.

Perhaps, for the sake of the picturing of Master René carrying off a bride of seventy-three of unimpeachable quarterings it was that she succeeded in conquering her feelings of the imminence of something mysterious and uncanny; but at all events she did so, completely and the King laughed with all his heart, and vowed that Boileau Despreaux had met with his master.

Haul up then slowly, so as to make no noise; make a noose for the lady's foot, and lower her with care. You have the strength?" "Ay, for twice her weight." "Good; there will be naught to fear, Madame, for I will be below to aid your footing. When I give the signal again Rene will descend and join us." "The rope is to be left dangling?" "Only until I return.

In various towns on the Moselle, Épinal, Charmes, Dompaire, etc., the Lorraine soldiers were replaced by Burgundians. This immediate and arrogant use of the rights he had wrested from the Duke of Lorraine alienated many who had been warm for Burgundy. René himself admired Charles as Maximilian had done.

She spoke of her father and mother's death, and how the nineteen of her years had been passed in the little fortified farm alone with her nurse Pelagie, Glemarec Rene the piqueur, and the four falconers, Raoul, Gaston, Hastur, and the Sieur Piriou Louis, who had served her father. She had never been outside the moorland never even had seen a human soul before, except the falconers and Pelagie.

"Are you very sure," asked Madame de Camps, "that your husband has read the luckless scrawl?" "How can I doubt it?" returned Madame de l'Estorade. "The paper can't have turned of itself; besides, in recalling the circumstances, I have a dim recollection that at the moment when I started to run to Rene I felt something drop, fate willed that I should not stop to pick it up."

As they were crossing the hall there entered suddenly to them, stumbling as he went, René, the young Breton retainer, whom the lord of Savenaye had appointed as squire to his lady upon her travels, and who, since her establishment at Pulwick, had been sent to carry news and money back to Brittany.