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ILLO. Caraffa too, and Montecuculi, Are missing, with six other generals, All whom he had induced to follow him. This plot he has long had in writing by him From the emperor; but 'twas finally concluded, With all the detail of the operation, Some days ago with the Envoy Questenberg. TERZKY. Oh, hadst thou but believed me! To them enter the COUNTESS.

DUCHESS. I am growing so timorous, every trifling noise Scatters my spirits, and announces to me The footstep of some messenger of evil. And you can tell me, sister, what the event is? Will he agree to do the emperor's pleasure, And send the horse regiments to the cardinal? Tell me, has he dismissed von Questenberg With a favorable answer? COUNTESS. No, he has not.

MAX. Uncommon men require no common trust; Give him but scope and he will set the bounds. QUESTENBERG. The proof is yet to come. MAX. Thus are ye ever. Ye shrink from every thing of depth, and think Yourselves are only safe while ye're in shallows. 'Twere best to yield with a good grace, my friend; Of him there you'll make nothing.

QUESTENBERG. Yes, yes! your travelling bills soon found their way to us! Too well I know we have still accounts to settle. ILLO. War is violent trade; one cannot always Finish one's work by soft means; every trifle Must not be blackened into sacrilege.

ILLO. Not from his right most surely, unless first From office! Know you aught then? You alarm me. We should be ruined, every one of us! I fear we shall not go hence as we came. Enter OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI and QUESTENBERG. Ay! ah! more still! Still more new visitors! Acknowledge, friend! that never was a camp, Which held at once so many heads of heroes.

QUESTENBERG. And is the poorer by even so many subjects. ISOLANI. Poh! we are all his subjects. QUESTENBERG. Yet with a difference, general! The one fill With profitable industry the purse, The others are well skilled to empty it. The sword has made the emperor poor; the plough Must reinvigorate his resources. ISOLANI. Sure! Times are not yet so bad.

QUESTENBERG. The emperor Already hath commanded Colonel Suys To advance towards Bavaria. WALLENSTEIN. What did Suys? QUESTENBERG. That which his duty prompted. He advanced. WALLENSTEIN. What! he advanced? And I, his general, Had given him orders, peremptory orders Not to desert his station! Stands it thus With my authority?

What thanks had I? What? I was offered up to their complaint Dismissed, degraded! QUESTENBERG. But your highness knows What little freedom he possessed of action In that disastrous Diet. WALLENSTEIN. Death and hell!

Behrens describes two ice-caves near Questenberg, in the county of Stollberg, on the Harz mountains. They both occur in limestone, and are known as the Great and Little Ice-holes. The one is close to the village of Questenberg, and consists of a chasm several fathoms deep, so cold that in summer the water trickling down its edges is frozen into long icicles.

QUESTENBERG. 'Tis quite Incomprehensible, that he detects not The foe so near! OCTAVIO. Beware, you do not think, That I, by lying arts, and complaisant Hypocrisy, have sulked into his graces, Or with the substance of smooth professions Nourish his all-confiding friendship!