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Updated: August 18, 2024

'Tis not the first time, noble minister, You've shown our camp this honor. QUESTENBERG. Once before I stood beside these colors. ILLO. Perchance too you remember where that was; It was at Znaeim in Moravia, where You did present yourself upon the part Of the emperor to supplicate our duke That he would straight assume the chief command. QUESTENBURG. To supplicate? Nay, bold general!

WALLENSTEIN. To this the law condemns him, and not I. And if I show him favor, 'twill arise From the reverence that I owe my emperor. QUESTENBERG. If so, I can say nothing further here! WALLENSTEIN. I accepted the command but on conditions!

Since then his confidence has followed me With the same pace that mine has fled from him. QUESTENBERG. You lead your son into the secret? OCTAVIO. No! QUESTENBERG. What! and not warn him either, what bad hands His lot has placed him in? OCTAVIO. I must perforce Leave him in wardship to his innocence. His young and open soul dissimulation Is foreign to its habits!

QUESTENBERG. We hoped upon the Oder to regain What on the Danube shamefully was lost. We looked for deeds of all-astounding grandeur Upon a theatre of war, on which A Friedland led in person to the field, And the famed rival of the great Gustavus Had but a Thurn and Arnheim to oppose him! Yet the encounter of their mighty hosts Served but to feast and entertain each other.

OCTAVIO. And Colonel Butler trust me, I rejoice Thus to renew acquaintance with a man Whose worth and services I know and honor. See, see, my friend! There might we place at once before our eyes The sum of war's whole trade and mystery These two the total sum strength and despatch. And lo! betwixt them both, experienced prudence! The Chamberlain and War-Commissioner Questenberg.

QUESTENBERG. A new spirit At once proclaimed to us the new commander. No longer strove blind rage with rage more blind; But in the enlightened field of skill was shown How fortitude can triumph over boldness, And scientific art outweary courage. In vain they tempt him to the fight. He only Entrenches him still deeper in his hold, As if to build an everlasting fortress.

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