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The imperial deputies, Questenberg and Werdenberg, who, as old friends of the duke, had been employed in this delicate mission, were instructed to propose that the King of Hungary should remain with the army, and learn the art of war under Wallenstein. But the very mention of his name threatened to put a period to the whole negociation.

QUESTENBERG. Let none approach a camp of Friedland's troops Who dares to think unworthily of war; E'en I myself had nigh forgot its evils When I surveyed that lofty soul of order, By which, while it destroys the world itself Maintains the greatness which itself created. Welcome, Count Isolani! ISOLANI. My noble brother! Even now am I arrived; it has been else my duty

The imperial deputies, Questenberg and Werdenberg, who, as old friends of the duke, had been employed in this delicate mission, were instructed to propose that the King of Hungary should remain with the army, and learn the art of war under Wallenstein. But the very mention of his name threatened to put a period to the whole negociation.

As he turns round, he observes QUESTENBERG, and draws back with a cold and reserved air. You are engaged, I see. I'll not disturb you. OCTAVIO. How, Max.? Look closer at this visitor. Attention, Max., an old friend merits reverence Belongs of right to the envoy of your sovereign. Von Questenberg! welcome if you bring with you Aught good to our headquarters.

O that you should speak Of such a distant, distant time, and not Of the to-morrow, not of this to-day. Where lies the fault but on you in Vienna! I will deal openly with you, Questenberg. 'Tis ye that hinder peace, ye! and the warrior, It is the warrior that must force it from you.

The description of the Astrological Tower, and the reflections of the Young Lover, which follow it, form in the original a fine poem; and my translation must have been wretched indeed if it can have wholly overclouded the beauties of the scene in the first act of the first play between Questenberg, Max, and Octavio Piccolomini.

It would have little helped my fame to boast Of conquest o'er an Arnheim; but far more Would my forbearance have availed my country, Had I succeeded to dissolve the alliance Existing 'twixt the Saxon and the Swede. QUESTENBERG. But you did not succeed, and so commenced The fearful strife anew. And here at length, Beside the river Oder did the duke Assert his ancient fame.

The imperial deputies, Questenberg and Werdenberg, who, as old friends of the duke, had been employed in this delicate mission, were instructed to propose that the King of Hungary should remain with the army, and learn the art of war under Wallenstein. But the very mention of his name threatened to put a period to the whole negociation.

Count Deodati! Butler! Tell this man How long the soldier's pay is in arrears. BUTLER. Already a full year. WALLENSTEIN. And 'tis the hire That constitutes the hireling's name and duties, The soldier's pay is the soldier's covenant. QUESTENBERG. Ah! this is a far other tone from that In which the duke spoke eight, nine years ago. WALLENSTEIN. Yes!

QUESTENBERG. Ay, doubtless, it is true; the duke does spare us The troublesome task of choosing. BUTLER. Yes, the duke Cares with a father's feelings for his troops; But how the emperor feels for us, we see. QUESTENBERG. His cares and feelings all ranks share alike, Nor will he offer one up to another.