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Updated: August 7, 2024

Boil and mash fine four large potatoes, and stir into one quart of boiling milk, taking care that there are no lumps. Add this to the fried onions, with one teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of white pepper. Let all boil for five minutes, and then serve with toasted or fried bread.

Corn Fritters. Cut the corn through the grain, and with a knife scrape the pulp from the cob, or grate it with a coarse grater, and to about a quart of the pulp, add two eggs beaten, two table-spoonsful of flour, a little salt and pepper, and a small portion of thin cream, or new milk; beat the whole together; have the butter or lard hot in the pan, and put a large spoonful in at a time, and fry brown, turning each fritter separately; this makes an agreeable relish for breakfast, or a good side dish at dinner.

Melt the sugar, using a pint of water to a pound and a half of sugar, and mix with it some beaten white of egg. Boil and skim the sugar. When quite clear, put in the rind and let it boil two hours; take out the rind, boil the syrup again, pour it over the rind, and let it remain all night. The next morning, boil the syrup with lemon juice, allowing one lemon to a quart of syrup.

He winked his eye at Patient Grizzle, beckoning towards her with his quart pot, and took a long and hearty pull. Then he banged his mug down upon the table. "Fetch me another glass, lass," said he to little Brown Betty. "Meantime, fair lady" this he said to Patient Grizzle "will you not entertain us with some story of your own?"

Gravy for it should be put into a boat, and not into the dish, unless there is none in the venison. To make the gravy, cut off the fat from two or three pounds of a loin of old mutton, and set it in steaks on a gridiron for a few minutes just to brown one side. Put them into a saucepan with a quart of water, keep it closely covered for an hour, and simmer it gently.

I finally concluded to visit San Francisco, and the first day I got there a lady at the hotel told me to drink a quart of whisky every twenty-four hours, and a friend up-town recommended precisely the same course. Each advised me to take a quart; that made half a gallon. I did it, and still live.

Soak 1 pint of bread in a quart of milk; add the yolks of 4 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 1/2 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of currants, the juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix well and bake until brown; then beat the whites to a stiff froth with 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar. Spread the pudding with jelly and cover with the beaten whites; set in the oven to brown.

The mate grinned, and, leading the way in, ordered refreshment for two, exchanging a pleasant wink with the proprietor as that humorist drew the lad's half-pint in a quart pot. "Ain't you goin' to blow the head off, sir?" inquired the landlord as Henry, after glancing darkly into the depths and nodding to the mate, buried his small face in the pewter.

Hibbert are not inconsistent with those of the late Sir A. Ramsay, on "The Physical History of the Valley of the Rhine," Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx. . Von Dechen, Geog. Hibbert, loc. cit., p. 18. Horner, "Geology of Environs of Bonn," Transactions of the Geological Society, vol. iv., new series. H. von Dechen, Geog. Ibid., p. 191. Dr.

"Well, you know the conditions of your own countrymen best; serve out to them what wines and measure you list only let each Fleming have a solemn quart of Rhenish. But what will you do for the English churls, of whom there are a right many left with us?" The old butler paused, and rubbed his brow.

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