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Is not my word like as fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? The ancient prophet's woe falls with double weight on those who use their words as a veil to obscure their real beliefs, and who prophesy, not 'according to the proportion of faith, but according to the expectations of the hearers, whose faith is as vague as theirs.

"Don't it," said Abel; "well, if it should be fated for me to turn parson, I shan't study divinity with you, for my mother has told me often, that God's prophecies were right, and were fulfilled, too; as I think this one has been." "I suppose, then, you think slavery will always continue, Mr. Weston?" said Hubbard. "Well, I am only a man, and cannot prophesy, but I think, probably not.

'Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits." "You see, I have been reading Isaiah, and when I came to that paragraph it seemed so appropriate. These people have always existed. And will they not always continue to exist?

"I'm quite ready. How are Frank's spirits since the great decision?" "Frank's spirits?" said Betty. She leisurely took off her glove. "Frank's spirits, my dear, if you wish to know, are simply an affront to his wife. My ruined ambitions appear to affect him as Parrish's food does the baby. I prophesy he will have gained a stone by Christmas." For the great step had been taken.

Another midget boat, constructed on the same lines as that in which Bluff was seated, came flying down before the wind, and presently brought up alongside the other craft. It contained a single young fellow, upon whose frank and open face rested a broad smile that seemed to prophesy pleasing news. "What makes you look so happy, Frank?

And in his return he some time abided in his own country of Britain, and founded there many monasteries, and rebuilded many others which had been destroyed of the heathens; and he filled them with convents of holy monks who assented unto that form of religion which he thereto appointed; many events also, prosperous and adverse, which were to happen unto Britain, did he prophesy in the spirit; and especially he foresaw and foretold the holiness of the blessed David, who was then in his mother's womb.

He is on the point of discovering that he performs a higher service, look you! And now the movement is altering it is continuing of itself! But that you probably can't see," he added, as he noted Pelle's incredulous expression. "No, for I'm not one of the big-bellies," said Pelle, laughing, "and you're no prophet, to prophesy such great things.

I will venture to prophesy that the day on which the Union under the new government shall be ratified by the American States, that that day will begin an era which will be recorded and observed by future ages as a day which the Americans had marked by their wisdom in circumscribing the power and ascertaining the decline of the ancient nations in Christendom. October 15.

But though he had an averseness to appear publicly in print; yet after many serious solicitations, and some second thoughts of his own, he laid aside his modesty, and promised he would; and he did so in that year of 1615. And the book proved as his friends seemed to prophesy, that is, of great and general use, whether we respect the Art or the Author.

To them and to their followers it is given to curse and to spare not, to prophesy against the peoples and kindred and nations and tongues whereon is set the seal of the beast.