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McArdle, and possibly for the first time that the paper has not sent me on a wild-goose chase, and that there is inconceivably fine copy waiting for the world whenever we have the Professor's leave to make use of it. I shall not dare to publish these articles unless I can bring back my proofs to England, or I shall be hailed as the journalistic Munchausen of all time.

His energy there in the pulpit was as constant as his energy in the professor's chair. He glowed with zeal to unfold the one truth of salvation from its original source, the Scriptures, and to declare it and impress it on the hearts of his young pupils and his Wittenberg congregation, of educated and uneducated, of great and small.

"No, it is one of those halos peculiar to the desert," was the professor's rejoinder; "it is caused by heat refraction or something of the sort. I recall I did read a lengthy explanation of it somewhere once, but I've forgotten it now." "Does it portend anything?" asked Roy, turning round for a moment from his levers. "No. not that I know of, at least except that it's hot."

Next day the party arrived at another village, where, the report of their approach having preceded them, they were received with much ceremony all the more that the professor's power with the rifle had been made known, and that the neighbourhood was infested by tigers.

Time after time, she implored the Professor's protection from some imaginary peril, and time after time, after she had begged him to remain near her, she repeated those mysterious and meaningless words: "Red, green and gold! red, green and gold!" In breathless anxiety we listened, but all we could hear were the Professor's sighs of despair, which meant far more to Mrs.

"Speaking for myself," he said, "I once got walloped by a whale's tail in my longboat, needless to say. My companions and I were launched to an altitude of six meters. But next to the professor's whale, mine was just a baby." "Do these animals live a long time?" Conseil asked. "A thousand years," the Canadian replied without hesitation. "And how, Ned," I asked, "do you know that's so?"

I then turned to the lady, and at once saw every expression of the Professor's face in hers, and realized for the first time how I had been deceived. Standing there before me, with the form and countenance of Prof. De Voe, was one of the handsomest and most graceful young ladies I had ever met. Instantly there came to mind the small feet, and the flimsy excuse for wearing large boots.

"First of all," Quest replied, "I want to know what you have done with my assistant, the girl whom you carried off from the Professor's garage." Craig shook his head. "I know nothing about her." "She locked you in the garage," Quest continued, "and sent for me. When I arrived, I found the garage door open, Lenora gone and you a fugitive."

"Better go back to the ship," said Ben, much disgusted at the upshoot of the expedition, and somewhat chagrined, too, if the truth must be told, at the professor's triumph over him. "No, let us catch one," urged the professor. "I would like to see if it is possible to tame one." "Yes, let's go up to them and see what they look like at close range," cried Frank.

You see, it is always "Franz Liszt," even if he knows nothing about it. Here you have a very long letter from me. Next time the good Child shall have one equally long; I am deeply in her debt. The practical Princess also shall have a regular professor's letter from me. For today I send a thousand thanks and greetings to you all from the bottom of my heart.