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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Dod, man," remarked Mains to the station-master, examining a truck with eight boxes; "the manse 'll no want for dishes at ony rate; but let's start on the furniture; whar hae ye got the rest o' the plenishing?

He received from the king everything that belonged to Mihr-afruz; her treasure of gold and silver; her costly stuffs and carpets; her household plenishing; her horses and camels; her servants and slaves. Then he returned to his camp and sent for Dil-aram, who came bringing her goods and chattels, her gold and her jewels.

'Oh, no; Robbie goes with us to Canada. It was a struggle with the dear old soul, and in the end she decided she would brave the Atlantic rather than part with her boy. The last day came. The chests, and plenishing for the home they looked forward to in Canada, had gone the day before and been stowed in the ship at Troon, and the carts stood at the door to receive the family and their hand-bags.

Aumrie and clothes-press were burst and vacant, the rooms in all details were bereft and cheerless because of the plenishing stolen, and my father sat among his losses and mourned, but I made light of our spoiling.

And to-day, as though lending encouragement to gracious hopes, the usually gloomy and cavernous room had taken to itself a quite generous plenishing of air and light. The heavy curtains were drawn aside. The casements of one of the square, squat windows were thrown widely open. The slatted shutters without were partially opened likewise.

But first shall she be seen of a certain gentlewoman of my lady's household, that shall say whether she promise fair enough to have her name sent up for judgment. "Truly, I would be glad she had so good place. And for plenishing, what must she have?" "Store sufficient of raiment is all she need have, and such jewelling as it shall please you to bestow on her. All else shall be found.

Only the chairs and table with one or two similar pieces of "plenishing," remained. Everything else had been removed; and some worthless debris strewed over the floor, told that the removal was to be considered complete. They were gone! It was of no use harbouring a hope that they might still be on the premises outside or elsewhere near. The pouring rain forbade such, a supposition.

To take them out of reach was the only ready means of preventing mischief, and the Bishop of St. Andrews had besought Sir Patrick to undertake the charge. 'We are bound to do all we can for their father's daughters, Dame Lilias owned, 'alike as our King and the best friend that ever we had, or my dear brother Malcolm, Heaven rest them both! But have they no servants, no plenishing?

There was a log smouldering on the hearth, where Donee baked cakes of pounded corn and beans in the ashes, and on the other side of the dark room was the heap of straw where she slept. Besides this, there were two hacked stumps of trees which served for chairs, and an iron pot out of which they ate; and there you have the royal plenishing of that palace.

A bit of morning sun glinted in by the window pane, and showed it off; my bed, my mails, and washing dish, with some disorder of my clothes, and the unlighted chimney, made the only plenishing; no mistake but it looked bare and cold, and the most unsuitable, beggarly place conceivable to harbour a young lady.

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